Friday 10 February 2012


Okay, here's the deal.  I'm pretty fit..I love my Spin Classes and I love my Kettlebell Classes and thanks to both, my body shape has most definitely changed in the past six months...for the better...I'm now fitter, stronger and more toned (I will have pics soon). However, I feel that I'm really not pushing or challenging myself outside of that.

I really want to be able to do 'proper press-ups'..on my toes, chest to the ground and not 'girlie press-ups' which are the easy version in which you lever the press-up from your knees rather than your feet. Most women find it a real challenge to do 'proper' ones with good form and proper control. The use of the words 'proper' and 'girlie' to differentiate between the two is probably sexist of me but hey...I'm a 'girlie' so I'm allowed :)

I also really want to be able to do more than one wobbly 'pull-up'..

So I met with the wonderful personal trainer Oisín at Westwood today.  He is 'the' guy for successful weight training programmes and he put me through my paces and devised a rather tough program to help me achieve both. I will have to follow this program two to three times a week, so it will be my bible for about six weeks. I won't bore you with its contents, unless you ask of course. I'll let you know how it's going.
Please feel free to comment or ask questions...

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