Saturday 4 February 2012

Coordination...what coordination....?

What a giggle this morning was.  Today was my first full day at the NTC... 'Exercise to Music 1' in the morning and 'Sports Nutriton' for the afternoon.

I was greeted by a grinning Brian, one of my fellow students. I told you about him in an earlier post..dead-pan, very direct and I find him funny.  He also impressed me with his tale of how he went from 24 stone to 12.5 stone over 1.5 years.  "I've something for you" he announced proudly and threw a large pair of Levis in my direction.  I opened them out...they were the width of Malahide!  You could have fit me in one leg and him in the exaggeration. It certainly sparked conversation between those of us who hadn't chatted yet.

Anyway, after an hour of music theory with Ray, it was time to put our 'moves' to the test.  Mohammad whispered to me in broken English, that he had noooo coordination and to "watch out"! On went the tunes and off we stomped.  Mohammad wasn't lying.  No beat.  The funny thing was....the majority of the guys were like that so it made for 1.5 hours of bumping, ducking, stepping, giggling, sweating, red-faced genuine fun!  I'm going to make a sweeping my opinion, only a few, carefully chosen men have coordination and 'de beat' :)

'Sports Nutrition' for the afternoon was long but interesting as class participation was encouraged.  As well as our study, we were given a little homework to do. Our food diary to be completed over 3 days, and discussed with Michelle and class, when we meet her next on Wednesday. 

The diary is to start from tomorrow and as I'm no you all know.. it's vino tinto for me tonight.  After the week I've thrown myself into....I've earned it :)


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