Sunday, 19 February 2012

Toned body/soggy brain...

..."Jaysus" I allowed to say that?...well I'm saying it anyway! Back to my course...the non-hopping-around-the-floor-to-music part....the 'serious' part. 

Saturday morning most of us arrived bright-eyed and busy-tailed ready for Muscle Histology...yep...I groaned too...eventually. Our teacher was very very thorough but it got to the stage where she just seemed to be describing and drawing layers and layers and layers to the muscle with layers and layers and layers of names.  Then all the layers or names were placed into 'zones' and 'discs' ...I think that was the stage my poor soggy grey matter collapsed.

I put my hand up asked what "that green H Zone" was on the diagram, to which she asked "oh is it this part you're not getting"? and as I threw my eye over the 'blue I Band' and the 'pink A Band' ...I looked at her blankly and said...."I'm not getting any of it"?!  She was sooo, patient and went over the Sliding Filament Mechanism again.  I got it the second time around...I think.  The funny thing break time I asked a few of my classmates in general what they thought of what we were being taught.  I got various responses but all saying more or less the same thing..."we didn't get it either but didn't want to let on". So I wasn't the only 'thicko' in the class but the only one brave or stupid enough to reveal that fact :)

It didn't get any better after the break.  Then we got to go through and name all the superficial muscles on the anterior (front side of body).  Latin and Latin and Latin and more Latin.  We need to learn approximately 40 of them (anterior only, I'm not even thinking about the posterior yet) and we need to know where they start, where they end and what joint they operate, amongst other 'stuff'. My poor soggy grey sponge collapsed for the second time that morning.  Here...I'll give you a little example....your Sternocleidomastoid muscle is in your neck and when short, allows your head to move forward, so it's commonly known as the 'prayer muscle'....I know this because I used it yesterday after that class...yikes!

It has been the most intense class so far crammed with so much information.  I'm sure I'll be fine when I sit and study it but at the time it knocked me...actually all of us..sideways. This is 'need to know' information, so just have to move on, study it and know it or guess what...we won't pass our exams:-/

Our afternoon was a 'lighter' affair, even though it was 'resistance training' in the gym.  Although it was physically tiring, our brains could rest and we had a giggle.

Alas, my poor brain didn't recover for quite a while.  I went home, ate, slept for 2 hours and only felt 'right' at about 10pm last night. Methinks this whole experience is going to be some challenge :)


  1. Sorry it's been a while since I've got my got my fix of "fitfix"!!! As I read about your wrestling with muscle names, I slurp delicious coffee and savage TWO slices of bad-carb cinnamon raison bread...naughty but nice!!!! I can feel expansion of fat hiding muscles that are in need of a fixing. .. if only I had your motivation Pam!! Keep up the good work... I am now going to take my dog for a walk and flex more than fingers on a keyboard...I might even break into a jog!!! Now where are those tummy tips I asked you for???!!

  2. Hiya Shinners..the girl who suggested my Blog. Once again, thanks for your suggesion. I'm enoying it so far, just have to get a few more 'views', 'comments' and 'suggestions'. I'm afraid the first thing 'one' must do to rid themselves of a flabby tummy is to PUT DOWN the cinnamon & raisin bread and get jogging! Jogging is brilliant for burning fat. You need cardio (jogging, spinning) and resistance training to burn it. Cardio 3 to 4 times at week & resistance 3 times a week & you won't believe the results. Did you see my Post on 'The Core of the matter'.. And obviously diet it key too. Having said that..I look forward to meeting for a big dirty pint soon :) xx
