Thursday, 16 February 2012

Playing with the big boys...

..Hi all, I told you a few posts ago that I had a couple of 'gym goals'.  One is to be able to do a 'real' push-up with proper technique and the other is pull-ups.

I got my programme written up last Friday but only got an opportunity to start it today.  I'm now training in the 'big boys' part of the gym.  You can taste the testosterone as soon as you walk into this area, mixed with the aroma of Lynx 'Temptation' (hmm wonder if that's appropriate) and good old fashioned sweat. Anyway, these guys don't phase me, I just muck in and do my thing.

The whole programme took me 50 minutes and I can almost feel my muscles getting stronger already..I'd say tomorrow I'll be sore in places that haven't been sore for a while. I had done a 40 minute Spin Class first so I got my aerobic and resistance training fix today.

Now I have to address my carb intake, as in 'Sports Nutrition' class last night, a formula showed that I don't have enough carbs in my diet.  I need to be eating up to 15% more on a daily basis.  Carbs are the primary source of energy for body functions and muscular exertion and if I'm working them this hard my body is going to need it.  This course is going to correct a lot of my bad habits..well it has to if I plan on teaching it :)

Oh by the way Girlies...'Carlos' above, isn't a member of my's just a pic I found on Google...just in case you were rushing out to join Westwood on the off-chance of bumping into him!


  1. Hi Pam, I'm eventually commenting on your blog...clever me! I'm really enjoying following your progress and I feel I almost know your classmates. The dancing men sound hilarious. Mind you, they are prob a lot better than many out there.I love the photo. You look like Emma in it...or should I say I can see her resemblance to you more than I've noticed before. Keep up the good work. Looks like you've found your calling at last. Just as well you didn't join the convent last year when you thought you had that other calling!!
    Margaret X

  2. Hey Margaret, I'm impressed :) I'm glad you're enjoying the Blog...I have to say my classmates are a super bunch & one of our trainers only said to us on Wed night that we all seem to gel, which is great feedback. The lads are gas at the dancing though. Re the pic, the amount of Emma's friends that say she looks like me is funny. Her new Beau just calls me Rhianna all the time..never Pam...I wish :p Yep Margaret, glad WE gave that convent a miss...haha ...thanks for your continued support. Px
