A close family member turned around to me yesterday and said, out of the blue, "Wow..you're skinny skinny"...(like they hadn't seen me in weeks)? I was chuffed....(perhaps I'm not skinny skinny just slim) but I took the compliment as this individual doesn't dish them out 'willy-nilly'. I've worked hard to get 'here'...and it's paying off...
Both of these items below struck a cord with me. The little piece of research jumped out at me yesterday from my studies and the picture jumped out at me this morning from another FB fitness page.
I think both of them work beautifully together and I suppose (along with a good eating plan) what I owe my 'skinny skinny' to :)
Research on individuals who followed an aerobic training plan for 30 mins X 3 times weekly,
LOST 1.4kg body FAT in 8 weeks.
Individuals who followed weight training PLUS aerobic programme,
LOST 4.5kg body FAT and GAINED 0.9kg muscle.
Muscle tissue burns more calories than fatty tissue.
Nike say it all...
How much do YOU want it?
Hi Pam, Just checking I'm doing this right and my comment is actually posting, before I write more!
Hi Margaret (Foxy) yep, coming in loud 'n clear :) x