Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Rise 'n Shine..

Looking & feeling a bit like Medusa.
Mind you, I have been told many a time that
I have a look that could turn a man to stone!


Oh how I wish I had something amusing to write about...I've noticed I get more 'ticks' in the 'funny' tick box than any other 'tick' at the end of my Posts....does that sound a bit 'thick'?

Anyhooo...I'm almost a month into my course and guess what....I'm tired!  Not tired of the course or my wonderful fellow students but just tired.  I had a very busy lifestyle even before I started this venture, but now that I have to use the brain a lot more too and I'm finding it pretty tough.  As I said before, I am not complaining, I am thankful of all that I have in my life and thankful that I have the opportunity to do this but I am finding it tough.

What's more....I'm looking tired...all the time...I'm not too happy about that.  Oh what was the word Dermot said I looked last night....oh yeah...'scraggily'..!  I think that meant that I didn't look very attractive.  Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror...he was right.  Despite the 2.5 hour mountain walk with the dog I still looked grey in the face with those bloody eye bags that have been hanging around for the past...well....since I've started actually.  I topped it all with a bit of a bed-head going on despite the fact that I'd come from studying at the kitchen table.  Ahhh, that's it...studying gives me a bed-head...probably because I'm constantly pulling at my increasingly greying hair.

I have been assured by many a good friend that things will settle down and all will just click into place.  I'm sure it will, it's just at the moment there's not too much clicking going on but a lot of tutting and sighing.  I will pick my chin up off the floor, smile and plough on.  I know I can do this :)

On the plus side...I'm looking forward to 'Exercise to Music' tonight and to hoppin' around for an hour or so with 'the crew' (Emma will call me a 'Weirdo' for using that 'crew' phrase)...but if the cap fits!   One of the lads...and he is a bit of a lad...announced on Monday night...after our heavy class of Myology that he was actually looking forward to 'Exercise to Music' and that was the class he thought he'd hate the most.  Unfortunately, the lads moves are slightly improving with every class *stomp skip-skip stomp skip-skip*....I mean, how inconsiderate, what'll be left for us girlies to giggle at then *tisk cuh*

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