Thursday, 23 February 2012

My life in a limerick..

I used to be known for my limericks..along with another good friend of mine..Jackie.  We were often asked to 'compose' them for special occasions.

Well this one just popped into my head as I was about to take my 15 minute study break.  I had it scribbled down on a scrap of paper in 5 minutes.  Here goes...

I took a little break from my study, not for long
Coz I felt this little limerick coming on
I cannot believe at the age of 44 (Sunday)
I'm opening books, to study once more
There's no doubt I needed a focus, I needed something new
Reading 'Think & Grow Rich' gave me my cue
To the NTC 3 times a week I trot
For hands-on training & to learn a lot
My brain is back working, I'm tired at the end of each day
But d'you know what..
I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Written by Pam...528 months old


  1. Great it! Foxy

  2. Foxy Hi Pam, you always had a way with words..keep it up it's great!

  3. 'Foxy'...I love it! Foxy by name, Foxy by nature :) Thanks so much for tapping in again and thanks for your comments, means a lot to me. I suppose I do have a way with words...just didn't channel it well over the years. I'll keep it going My Dear. Love to one of my oldest friends.. 40 years & counting aaaargh! <3 x

    1. Hey right back at 40 years, yeah since junior infants...or 'low babies' it was called back then.....mucho amor a mi amiga xx

  4. There once was a plumber from Lee
    Who was plumbing his girl by the sea
    She said Stop your plumbing,
    There's somebody coming!
    Said the plumber still plumbing... It's me!

  5. Awh Derek....I'm crying laughing reading that :'D.....did you write it yourself?! Thanks for the lol's xx
