Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The first day of 'big school'...

I have a pain in my head and my shoulders are in a knot *groan*.  I haven't been this tense in a long time.  This evening was my first real course night
Anatomy, Physiology & Myology Book 1. 

I'm not ashamed to admit that I had to look up what 'Myology' actually meant so I didn't arrive in total ignorance; for those of you who don't know, it's the study of muscles. 

'Planes of Motion', 'Joint Motions', 'Articulations' and 'Joints' are all very interesting but when thrown into my dusty brain over a 2.5 hour period, resulted in....a headache.  As overwhelming as I found it, my heart went out to Stan from Slovakia seated to my left and Anna from Poland who could been seen to be struggling, as their English isn't great.  We were chatting during a break and Stan was looking a little shell-shocked.  He is learning English and works in a restaurant (and 'out' judging by his physique) but was struggling with the Latin words mixed with the English. I assured him that one of my Instructors, who did her training at the NCT many years ago, told me today that the first two weeks are overwhelming but it will all settle down and then things will start to click into place as time goes on. I smiled, looked him in the eye and said..."hey it's not rocket science...many have done this before us...we can do it"! 

We then lightened the mood by laughing with Brendan who told us stories of when he used to be 23 stone.  He's now 12 stone and will bring his 'before & after' pictures along with his old jeans in next week for us to see.  He is some character..very dead-pan and out-going..a combination I find very amusing. Shelly to my right heard us giggling at his stories and then she announced that she used to be 24 stone.  She has slimmed down and here she is driving (return) from Wexford three times a week to do this course.  WOW ... these three people (two to my immediate left & one to my immediate right) are an inspiration.  I look forward to sitting beside and meeting more of my fellow students to hear their stories :)

Saturday should be FUN....'Exercise To Music 1'...that's ME...but I'll leave my heels at home :))

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