Wednesday, 29 February 2012

What wings?...

Hi AlI, I came across the 'Michelle Obama' arm workout (below) and found it interesting, as Summer approaches and the sleeveless items of clothing will be pulled out of the wardrobe. 

I didn't follow it myself but have been working on my arms for a few years now. The exercise I'm demonstrating in the picture is more of a shoulder work out but I just wanted to show you the definition in my arms.  I actually started at home with the above dumbbells (5kgs), although I did start with the 2kgs :)  I bought them in Argos many years ago and I note that Argos now have a super range of sports equipment on offer in their current brochure....well worth a look.

Since joining the gym, I've worked my arms in Body Pump classes, Kettlebell classes, and now with my new resistance programme to strengthen my upper body so as to allow me to achieve my 'gym goal' of proper push ups and pull ups.  The training is going well but I have quite a bit to go (incidentally it's a killer of a programme).  As you can see, my arms are toned and undoubtedly the most toned part of my body.

I know this work-out is designed to be done in the gym but I think it could be tweaked so you can do it at home with dumbells (instead of a barbell)

Here is the Michelle arm workout, called 'The Obama', which is designed to be done every five days.

The routine is in two circuits, with three exercises in each.
A1: Close-grip bench press, six repetitions, then 10 second rest.
Lie on a bench, keep your hands close and push a barbell up from just below the nipple line, lower slowly.
A2: Decline dumbbell triceps extensions, 12 reps, 10 seconds rest.
Lie down, arms raised up and parallel, lower weight to just past your shoulder, holding it vertical, not horizontal. Don't wobble.
A3: Push-ups, 25 reps, two minutes rest.
You can do this onto a bench, or on your knees.
B1: Standing bar curls, 12 reps, 10 seconds rest.
Drop your arms, lock elbows out, raise the bar, then lower slowly.
B3: Low-incline hammer curls, 25 reps, two minutes rest.
Lie on an incline, with both arms simultaneously curl weight up slowly and release.
Do A1, rest 10 seconds; A2, rest 10 seconds; A3, rest two minutes. Repeat four times. Then do the same for the B exercises.

Another great exercise for the triceps (backs of the arms) are Tricep Dips. 

Perhaps we'll do shoulders another day..please let me know what you think?

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


...feeling a bit deep today, must be my age *shuffle shuffle* these words pop into my head...

People come in & out of our life
Some to bring happiness, others bringing strife
How we handle it is up to us
We can choose to deal with it, or make a fuss
Some have been around since we were a sprout
But now that we're older, we have a niggling doubt
What I've realised & am trying to say
Is learn from it all, stay positive
& have a nice day :)

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Finorty Feckin' Finorrrr.....

..I was born at (9.35 a.m.) 44 years ago today in Co Westmeath...yes...Westmeath...
I'm a feckin' Culchie...does that help explain things :) posey birthday pic.  I may never look this good again so yes I'm putting up a posey pic from my birthday night out AND look, I'm wearing a dress
and not my usual jeans and boots...note to self, must buy some shoes to go with dress.

Last night, my folks brought myself, D and the girls out for a meal, drinks and a flutter at Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium.  What a thoroughly enjoyable evening even if we all only did break even.  I'm so thankful to have both my parents around at my age, as I know so few people have.  Derms and I finished the evening/night/morning in our local, The Goose where I poured pint bottles of Bulmers in on top of the lovely red wine I had with my meal.  I know...classy or wha''s the Coolock in me you see, and proud to say it...
Culchie to Coolock...interesting of my many mixes *smile*

I woke to a tasty full Irish and then I had breakfast...only joking...cooked breakfasts all round with a nice strong mug of tea.  Paper pressies from my folks and Derms, while my girlies got me jewellery, eyes-shadow (extremely sparkly) and a hoodie.  I chuckled at the card I got from Derms that basically said that he drove me mad (think that should have been vice versa) but it had a badge that said 'Perfect Wife'..pfft...
I'm wearing it anyway!

This afternoon, I went to town to do some retail therapy with Emma.  First favourite high-street shop...River Island ashes can be scattered there when I'm gone. Straight to the shoe section..heart racing.  Yes, purchased yet another pair of boots...I cannot resist their footwear.  Next stop Champion Sports....and my next fix...
more gym gear :)

Home..surprise front room transformed to a 'Spa' by Jane, where I was treated to candles, soft music and a massage from Jane...I fell asleep zzz
I awoke to a fabby dinner, with all my favourite foods, cooked (yet again) by Derms and washed down with a lovely bottle of red. 
Then came the cake and a verse of 'happy birthday'!

With all the lovely family cards, 'wall posts', private messages, texts, phone calls and cards that were dropped in, I'm a happy finorty finor year old tonight. 
I'm grateful for all I have in my life..I'm a lucky girl and look forward to my future.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Burn Baby Burn...

Good morning all...

A close family member turned around to me yesterday and said, out of the blue,  "'re skinny skinny"...(like they hadn't seen me in weeks)?  I was chuffed....(perhaps I'm not skinny skinny just slim) but I took the compliment as this individual doesn't dish them out 'willy-nilly'. I've worked hard to get 'here'...and it's paying off...

Both of these items below struck a cord with me.  The little piece of research jumped out at me yesterday from my studies and the picture jumped out at me this morning from another FB fitness page. 

I think both of them work beautifully together and I suppose (along with a good eating plan) what I owe my 'skinny skinny' to :)

Research on individuals who followed an aerobic training plan for 30 mins X 3 times weekly,
LOST 1.4kg body FAT in 8 weeks.

Individuals who followed weight training PLUS aerobic programme,
LOST 4.5kg body FAT and GAINED 0.9kg muscle.

Muscle tissue burns more calories than fatty tissue.

Nike say it all...

How much do YOU want it?

Thursday, 23 February 2012

My life in a limerick..

I used to be known for my limericks..along with another good friend of mine..Jackie.  We were often asked to 'compose' them for special occasions.

Well this one just popped into my head as I was about to take my 15 minute study break.  I had it scribbled down on a scrap of paper in 5 minutes.  Here goes...

I took a little break from my study, not for long
Coz I felt this little limerick coming on
I cannot believe at the age of 44 (Sunday)
I'm opening books, to study once more
There's no doubt I needed a focus, I needed something new
Reading 'Think & Grow Rich' gave me my cue
To the NTC 3 times a week I trot
For hands-on training & to learn a lot
My brain is back working, I'm tired at the end of each day
But d'you know what..
I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Written by Pam...528 months old

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Rise 'n Shine..

Looking & feeling a bit like Medusa.
Mind you, I have been told many a time that
I have a look that could turn a man to stone!


Oh how I wish I had something amusing to write about...I've noticed I get more 'ticks' in the 'funny' tick box than any other 'tick' at the end of my Posts....does that sound a bit 'thick'?

Anyhooo...I'm almost a month into my course and guess what....I'm tired!  Not tired of the course or my wonderful fellow students but just tired.  I had a very busy lifestyle even before I started this venture, but now that I have to use the brain a lot more too and I'm finding it pretty tough.  As I said before, I am not complaining, I am thankful of all that I have in my life and thankful that I have the opportunity to do this but I am finding it tough.

What's more....I'm looking tired...all the time...I'm not too happy about that.  Oh what was the word Dermot said I looked last night....oh yeah...'scraggily'..!  I think that meant that I didn't look very attractive.  Caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror...he was right.  Despite the 2.5 hour mountain walk with the dog I still looked grey in the face with those bloody eye bags that have been hanging around for the past...well....since I've started actually.  I topped it all with a bit of a bed-head going on despite the fact that I'd come from studying at the kitchen table.  Ahhh, that's it...studying gives me a bed-head...probably because I'm constantly pulling at my increasingly greying hair.

I have been assured by many a good friend that things will settle down and all will just click into place.  I'm sure it will, it's just at the moment there's not too much clicking going on but a lot of tutting and sighing.  I will pick my chin up off the floor, smile and plough on.  I know I can do this :)

On the plus side...I'm looking forward to 'Exercise to Music' tonight and to hoppin' around for an hour or so with 'the crew' (Emma will call me a 'Weirdo' for using that 'crew' phrase)...but if the cap fits!   One of the lads...and he is a bit of a lad...announced on Monday night...after our heavy class of Myology that he was actually looking forward to 'Exercise to Music' and that was the class he thought he'd hate the most.  Unfortunately, the lads moves are slightly improving with every class *stomp skip-skip stomp skip-skip*....I mean, how inconsiderate, what'll be left for us girlies to giggle at then *tisk cuh*

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Toned body/soggy brain...

..."Jaysus" I allowed to say that?...well I'm saying it anyway! Back to my course...the non-hopping-around-the-floor-to-music part....the 'serious' part. 

Saturday morning most of us arrived bright-eyed and busy-tailed ready for Muscle Histology...yep...I groaned too...eventually. Our teacher was very very thorough but it got to the stage where she just seemed to be describing and drawing layers and layers and layers to the muscle with layers and layers and layers of names.  Then all the layers or names were placed into 'zones' and 'discs' ...I think that was the stage my poor soggy grey matter collapsed.

I put my hand up asked what "that green H Zone" was on the diagram, to which she asked "oh is it this part you're not getting"? and as I threw my eye over the 'blue I Band' and the 'pink A Band' ...I looked at her blankly and said...."I'm not getting any of it"?!  She was sooo, patient and went over the Sliding Filament Mechanism again.  I got it the second time around...I think.  The funny thing break time I asked a few of my classmates in general what they thought of what we were being taught.  I got various responses but all saying more or less the same thing..."we didn't get it either but didn't want to let on". So I wasn't the only 'thicko' in the class but the only one brave or stupid enough to reveal that fact :)

It didn't get any better after the break.  Then we got to go through and name all the superficial muscles on the anterior (front side of body).  Latin and Latin and Latin and more Latin.  We need to learn approximately 40 of them (anterior only, I'm not even thinking about the posterior yet) and we need to know where they start, where they end and what joint they operate, amongst other 'stuff'. My poor soggy grey sponge collapsed for the second time that morning.  Here...I'll give you a little example....your Sternocleidomastoid muscle is in your neck and when short, allows your head to move forward, so it's commonly known as the 'prayer muscle'....I know this because I used it yesterday after that class...yikes!

It has been the most intense class so far crammed with so much information.  I'm sure I'll be fine when I sit and study it but at the time it knocked me...actually all of us..sideways. This is 'need to know' information, so just have to move on, study it and know it or guess what...we won't pass our exams:-/

Our afternoon was a 'lighter' affair, even though it was 'resistance training' in the gym.  Although it was physically tiring, our brains could rest and we had a giggle.

Alas, my poor brain didn't recover for quite a while.  I went home, ate, slept for 2 hours and only felt 'right' at about 10pm last night. Methinks this whole experience is going to be some challenge :)

Saturday, 18 February 2012


Hi All, I just wanted to share this for those of you who are new to training. 
Hmmmm what to wear....?

If you're going to splash out on gear to train in, from years of experience, trial and error, you won't doing any better than the following ranges:

Nike Dri-FIT

Adidas Clima-Cool

Reebok Play-Dry

All of these ranges move the moisture (sweat) from your body to a fabric layer away from the skin where it can evaporate. This leaves your skin cool and comfortable. 
This material is made
from 62% cotton, (5% of which is organic), 34% polyester and 4% Spandex.

All of these ranges offer excellent ventilation, thus reducing skin irritation and all keep you cool, dry and help disperse odours :)

The only possible 'down-side' to any of these ranges is the fact that they are like a second skin so therefore every lump, bump or bulge is going to show so therefore may not be the most flattering but hey....they'll get you motivated to loose those 'nasty' bits!

These ranges can be fairly expensive but believe me..they are worth every cent..this is coming from someone who did her time in sweaty, cold, cotton wear...ugh!

I came across (the below) today...*blink blink*(you don't need to read the text)
Although the Penneys range looks lovely and cute, I'm not so confident I'd do a heavy work-out in it. I wouldn't say it's made from that 'magic' moisture absorbing fabric for those prices but I will check them out and let you know. The cute jacket is a steal for €12, so you may see me sporting one of those. The Tog 24 heat fleece must have 'magic' fabric at €64 and the sports bra is quite expensive at €47.  Personally, I use the Penneys sports bra range, that look something similar for a mere €7.00 and it does the trick.  

Let me know if there are any other ranges out there that are 'cool' to train in?

Friday, 17 February 2012

The core of the matter...

...I'm so easily pleased..although some may not agree :) I walked into the gym today and squealed when I saw these huge fab posters suspended from the ceiling...
5 of them in a row and what they were telling us is coming to our gym.

I'm a huge fan of core training.  It's a good part of the reason I'm in the shape I'm in today. To build a strong core you need to exercise a variety of muscles from your hips to your shoulders. Full planks, side planks, press-ups, contracting your abdomen while Spinning and of course...'the' best... Kettlebells!  I'm looking forward to participating in the above
LesMills CX Worx '30 minute Revolutionary Core Training'. 

LesMills Bodypump is another fantastic class for an all over body work-out AND to burn fat. Not only do you get to tone your full body through resistance training with weights but for us ladies, this training helps to prevent Osteoporosis in later years.

Just have a read of what the experts say

Though cardio burns more calories than strength training during those 30 sweaty minutes, pumping iron slashes more overall. A study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women who completed an hour-long strength-training workout burned an average of 100 more calories in the 24 hours afterwards than they did when they hadn't lifted weights. At three sessions a week, that's 15,600 calories a year, or about four and a half pounds of fat—without having to move a muscle.

What's more, increasing that after burn is as easy as upping the weight on your bar. In a study in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, women burned nearly twice as many calories in the two hours after their workout when they lifted 85 percent of their max load for eight reps than when they did more reps (15) at a
lower weight (45 percent of their max).

There's a longer-term benefit to all that lifting, too: Muscle accounts for about a third of the average woman's weight, so it has a profound effect on her metabolism, says Kenneth Walsh, director of Boston University School of Medicine's Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute. Specifically, that effect is to burn extra calories, because muscle, unlike fat, is metabolically active. In English: Muscle chews up calories even when you're not in the gym. Replace 10 pounds of fat with 10 pounds of
lean muscle and you'll burn an additional 25 to 50 calories a day without even trying.
This is how I did it. What do you think? 

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Playing with the big boys...

..Hi all, I told you a few posts ago that I had a couple of 'gym goals'.  One is to be able to do a 'real' push-up with proper technique and the other is pull-ups.

I got my programme written up last Friday but only got an opportunity to start it today.  I'm now training in the 'big boys' part of the gym.  You can taste the testosterone as soon as you walk into this area, mixed with the aroma of Lynx 'Temptation' (hmm wonder if that's appropriate) and good old fashioned sweat. Anyway, these guys don't phase me, I just muck in and do my thing.

The whole programme took me 50 minutes and I can almost feel my muscles getting stronger already..I'd say tomorrow I'll be sore in places that haven't been sore for a while. I had done a 40 minute Spin Class first so I got my aerobic and resistance training fix today.

Now I have to address my carb intake, as in 'Sports Nutrition' class last night, a formula showed that I don't have enough carbs in my diet.  I need to be eating up to 15% more on a daily basis.  Carbs are the primary source of energy for body functions and muscular exertion and if I'm working them this hard my body is going to need it.  This course is going to correct a lot of my bad habits..well it has to if I plan on teaching it :)

Oh by the way Girlies...'Carlos' above, isn't a member of my's just a pic I found on Google...just in case you were rushing out to join Westwood on the off-chance of bumping into him!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

White men can't jump..

..Remember that film...well what I really wanted to say is 'straight men can't dance' that statement sexist?!  Will I be slapped with a fine? Hey, I'm black(ish) and I can't sing so relax, we're quits :)

Okay, it's a bit of a sweeping statement, it really should read 'most straight men can't dance'.  For those of you who wish to argue the toss with me you need to come along to an 'Exercise to Music' train the trainer class.  I know I've touched on this before, but if you were a part of it, you would know what I mean.

Remember I told you about Mohamed in a past post, well he came out of his little shell on Monday night.  After an hour of theory about 'Exercise to Music' we were told to go and get changed for the class....the groans around the room from the lads brought a smile to my face but there were more to come.  My dancing shadow 'partner', the 2-left-footed Mohamed, who had arrived in a trendy silk champagne coloured shirt and matching tie, arrived back up the stairs, in a pair of shabby shorts, a jersey with Tír Eoghain across the back and the biggest smile you've ever seen.  Ahhh I thought to myself, he's up to something....he's been practising.  I expected him to tuck himself in behind me again in the third row but no....up to the front row he plodded. He turned, gave me a grin, gestured with his 2 fingers to his eyes for me to watch and follow him...well let's just say that started me off laughing.

Now he's not the only 'awkward' mover..I could pick a few.  Tom in front of me couldn't manage an up-right row with his arms so improvised by turning it into a 'shrug' he was hopping up and down whilst doing overly exaggerated shrugs to the beat.  Erica and I were doubled over laughing and had to tap him on his uncontrollable shoulders and ask him to stop as we couldn't concentrate.  Thankfully these lads can laugh at themselves.  Then we have Yash..beautifully dark-skinned, long black curly hair in a pony-tail, black trackie bottoms and a black very low cut vest top proudly revealing his hairy chest.  He's actually very quiet so we were a little surprised when he appeared looking, but not dancing, like one of Madonna's backing dancers. Then we have young Gareth from Finglas who is probably the baby of the class (I'm fond of his cheeky nature, it's probably my motherly instincts taking over)...he loves his boxing but he's not so hot on his dancing.  At one stage he was behind me and managed to get his foot up and around me, to kick my hand....I think he got carried away and thought he was at kick-boxing! I kicked him back and then we moved on...(joking)...

Anyway, back to Mohamed.  He started well and I have to say was giving it socks, methinks he was practising in front of the mirror in his bedroom. There's something very refreshing to see a big solid man, in a Tyrone jersey, with Maori tattoos on his arms, who speaks English slowly with a French accent through a big white smile, thoroughly enjoying himself.  However the backward leg-curls were not his thing.  Poor Shelly, who was positioned behind him, had to dodge a hairy backward swinging brown leg with a size 11 on the end of it every so often.....ah sure it kept her alert and on her toes so to speak.  He'd glance back at us every so often with his silly grin to seek our approval to which we'd give him the big thumbs up. 

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses.  That's why it's important to encourage one another and have a giggle as we do so .... *stomp stomp stomp stomp* :)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Total body Resistance eXercise

..ugh..I'm not feeling 100% today, I'm literally sick & tired, which thankfully I don't feel very often. I can't go to the gym, so decided to do a bit of research instead.
I came across this method of suspension training, about a month ago when someone showed me a YouTube clip of their Personal Trainer using it.  
Last week I saw a very very fit looking guy using this piece of equipment down at the gym.  He had obviously purchased his own and brought it with him as it hasn't been introduced to Westwood...yet.  I stood there for about 5 minutes watching this guy in action..he probably thought I was a 'Weirdo' or a 'Cougar' or perhaps...a bit of both :)
Just have a look at this video and you'll see for yourself what it's all about..

WOW... very impressive, isn't it
(if I've gone about putting it up the correct way? I'm still learning with this Blog)

'Randy' assures us in the video that it's for all levels of fitness, however I'd say it could take a while to get to the level some of these wonderfully fit people are at.

I had to check to see if there's a training course for the TRX in Dublin, and there is.
'Mint Fitness' run a 6 week course, with 2 classes per week for €120.00.
I don't have the time to do this at the moment but I think it's a definite for when I'm finished my current course. 

Amazon are selling the TRX Kit for £140.00 (€170.00)

TRX training could be the next 'big thing'

What do you think...would any of you be interested in doing these classes?

Monday, 13 February 2012


.."ticking away the moments that make up a dull day"...The Floyd sang...well my days have not been dull.  I'm pooped this morning complete with grey face, puffy eyes and even puffier bags underneath them! Last week was the first indication of what my time is going to be like possibly from now on whilst on my course.

A combination of helping to run the house, attending a course two evenings until 10pm and one full day, other extended family commitments, study time, my gym schedule of four visits a week (where possible) and a bit of a social life packed last week solid.  I'm not complaining. I'm thankful that I can do all of that 'stuff'. Many many people do this and do it successfully, I will just have to figure it out :)

I am loving the course so far.  My new 'friends' are great and we are all gelling really well.  The banter has started and a few nick-names have been appointed already.  I'm enjoying being a part of something, of a group of like-minded individuals with very different personalities. Sometimes, especially if you're an outgoing person, and you have been out of the work scene for a while, you can feel a little lost..well that's how I felt.

Last Saturday, we were 'guinea-pigs' for the morning, for the class ahead of us who are coming up to their mock exams.  They were so nervous, and I was mindful of the fact that that will be us in a few weeks.  I had senses working overtime talking all in.  Some of the students were ready, some were getting there and some still had a lot to learn.

The Exercise to Music session, particularly with the lads instructing/teaching were very amusing.  Most of the lads doing this course absolutely dread participating in or teaching this class.  As Elmir said, "these are girlie classes and in my gym if we see a male at one we almost point & snigger" these classes aren't macho enough for red-blooded males.  Or perhaps it's because most of them are like my buddy Mohamed, whose coordination hadn't improved over the week, even though he said he'd practised. He tucked himself in  behind me last Saturday and mumbled..."I'm following you Pam"!  I found it funny that he chose to follow me and not the instructor.   Although I must admit, there are 2 things I do have, 'de beat' and coordination....but I can't sing for peanuts! I'm looking forward to getting up there and giving a class..that reminds me...I must sort out my 64 beats.

Anyway, here's to a less hectic week....and to these puffy eyes bags deflating soon :)

Sunday, 12 February 2012


I know what you're thinking...this is a bit of a random pic to throw in but I found it thrown in a drawer upstairs and thought...oh why not..

Derms was very passionate about his motorbikes once upon a time.  In the years he had a DT125 but I think nearly every young fella had one of those at one stage. He followed that with DT175 and his piste de resistance, an RD350 :)..all Yamahas.

His last baby was a Honda CBR 1000 which he sold in 2005.

There are still mementos around the house of his sleeping passion.  One are the complete set, volumes 1 to 7 of On Your Bike by Marshall Cavendish which are 30 years old and the other is his beloved custom-made (with extra long arms) red leather motor bike jacket, also 30 years old.  lt still fits him, albeit veeery snugly, as he's broader around the chest but hey how many guys can still fit into their bike jackets after 30 years. He cuts quite a dash in it but there's no way in hell he'll pose for a pic in it so that's that out :)

You never know, I could persuade him to buy another bike so we could just 'take off' of a sunny Sunday morning.....I'll let you know.....vrroooooom

Friday, 10 February 2012


Okay, here's the deal.  I'm pretty fit..I love my Spin Classes and I love my Kettlebell Classes and thanks to both, my body shape has most definitely changed in the past six months...for the better...I'm now fitter, stronger and more toned (I will have pics soon). However, I feel that I'm really not pushing or challenging myself outside of that.

I really want to be able to do 'proper press-ups'..on my toes, chest to the ground and not 'girlie press-ups' which are the easy version in which you lever the press-up from your knees rather than your feet. Most women find it a real challenge to do 'proper' ones with good form and proper control. The use of the words 'proper' and 'girlie' to differentiate between the two is probably sexist of me but hey...I'm a 'girlie' so I'm allowed :)

I also really want to be able to do more than one wobbly 'pull-up'..

So I met with the wonderful personal trainer Oisín at Westwood today.  He is 'the' guy for successful weight training programmes and he put me through my paces and devised a rather tough program to help me achieve both. I will have to follow this program two to three times a week, so it will be my bible for about six weeks. I won't bore you with its contents, unless you ask of course. I'll let you know how it's going.
Please feel free to comment or ask questions...

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Very funny....and I want to be a 'Christo'?..

 If you read this without laughing out loud, there is
 something wrong with you. This is dedicated to everyone
 who ever attempted to get into a regular workout

Dear Diary,

For my birthday this year, I purchased a week of
personal training at the local health club. Although I
am still in great shape since being a high school
football cheerleader 43 years ago, I decided it would be
good idea to go ahead and give it a try.

I called the club and made my reservations with a
personal trainer named Christo, who identified himself
as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for
athletic clothing and swim wear.

Friends seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get
started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart
my progress.
Started my day at 6:00 am. Tough to get out of bed, but
found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health
club to find Christo waiting for me. He is something of
Greek god-- with blond hair, dancing eyes, and a
dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!!
Christo gave me a tour and showed me the machines.. I
enjoyed watching the skillful way in which he conducted
his aerobics class after my workout today. Very
Christo was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my
gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time
he was around.
This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!!
I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out
the door. Christo made me lie on my back and push a
 heavy iron bar into the air then he put weights on it!
My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I
made the full mile. His rewarding smile made it all
worthwhile. I feel GREAT! It's a whole new life for me.
The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the
toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and
over it. I believe I have a hernia in both
pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to
steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club
parking lot.
Christo was impatient with me, insisting that my screams
bothered other club members. His voice is a little too
perky for that early in the morning and when he scolds,
he gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying.
My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Christo
put me on the stair monster.Why the hell would anyone
invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered
obsolete by elevators? Christo told me it would help me
get in shape and enjoy life. He said some other shit
Asshole was waiting for me with his vampire-like teeth
exposed as his thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a
full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late--
it took me that long to tie my shoes.
He took me to work out with dumbbells. When he was not
looking, I ran and hid in the restroom. He sent some
skinny bitch to find me.
Then, as punishment, he put me on the rowing machine--
which I sank.
I hate that bastard Christo more than any human being
has ever hated any other human being in the history of
the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic, little
aerobic instructor. If there was a part of my body I
could move without unbearable pain, I would beat him
with it.
Christo wanted me to work on my triceps. I don't have
any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor,
don't hand me the damn barbells or anything that weighs
more than a sandwich.
The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and
nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone
softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?
Satan left a message on my answering machine in his
grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up
today. Just hearing his voice made me want to smash the
machine with my planner; however, I lacked the strength
to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven
straight hours of the Weather Channel..
I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today
so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I
will also pray that next year my husband will choose a
gift for me that is fun-- like a root canal or a
hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend
over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!

Monday, 6 February 2012


Noooo it's not me in the early 90's but I do have an amusing story..I'll tell you at the end!

Eight years ago I was in a full-time stressful job, with two young kiddies to juggle and a hubby who was working shifts.  It didn't help that I was working in a hotel so there was bold food 'on-tap'.  I went from a size 10/12 to a good size 16 in a year due to comfort overeating and lack of exercise....simple and QED.

I resigned after 1.5 years before I had a breakdown and had to buy a bigger wardrobe on top of that :)  So here I was at home, no job and overweight.  I couldn't afford to join a gym and didn't have the time either.  What was I to do? In desperation I went to HMV and bought the above DVD, then I traipsed into Argos and bought a set of dumbbells.

I cut out all of the fried, fatty, sugary and rubbishy food out of my diet, I 'danced' to the DVD 5 to 6 times a week, I lifted the dumbbells (carefully) and within 8 weeks I had lost 1.5 stone.  Angela lost 2 but she probably had time to focus on her sole project and a financial incentive helps too.

If you can't get out to the gym, bring the gym to your front room. There are many many DVD's out there at the moment.  It seems every 'celebrity' has one.  Go and have a look and chose one that you think would suit you and you'll stick to.  I love dancing so I chose this one.  You'll probably get sick of the music and the 'celebrity's' overenthusiastic chatter after 2 to 3 listens/views so I used to mute it and put on my own 'choons' and get stuck in.

Anyway, my amusing story. For many years I was told I looked like 'that girl from Coronation Street'...I was told everywhere I went but especially by Aul Dears in Tesco :) Those of you who remember me in the early 90's will recall the resemblance. Anyhow, I was in The Harcourt Hotel one night with a group of girlies circa 1993, when who sat down at the table beside us only.....'Curly Watts'.  Me being me had to go over for a chat...after a few moments he said to me..."ye know when I saw you coming towards me I thought....hey what's Ange doing're the image of her".  That was as good as from the horses mouth for me.  Guess all those Aul Dears were right.  Well it's said that we all have a twin somewhere in the world....but really I think, for me anyway, it's the colour of the skin and the hairstyle because now I'm getting told I look like Rihanna....I wish!!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Gimmicks 'n Gadgets....

I came across this in The Irish Daily Star's AMen supplement...yes Amen, but I'm a nosey Wagon so had to have a goo.

The first item is 'Zaggora HotPants'

I don't know if you can read this but the top item is a pair of shorts that apparently reflect body heat to increase perspiration by up to 80% - delivering a 60 minute workout in just 20 minutes? Apparently the harder you work the better they perform. Apparently they can assist you in dropping up to two dress sizes in two weeks?!

These 'magic' shorts retail at £44.00 or €55.00.

Total bullsh*t!   Any intelligent person know that as soon as you rehydrate yourself after your 20 minute or 60 minute workout the weight will go back on.  These go in the bin, along with the 'sweat-suits' and the 'black plastic sacks' that some people used to use when training.  I trust people don't use these methods any more...or do they?

Have you heard of any strange 'quick fixes'?

The second item is the 'Eat Fit Cutlery'...*stifling a giggle*

The knife and fork weigh in at 1kg each and the spoon weighs in at 2kg.
Get a 'workout' at breakfast, lunch and dinner?   I don't know about you but I don't tend to wave my arms around much when I'm eating..and I dread to think what would happen if I dropped one on my toe or the dog on the way to the dishwasher.

This 'magic' cutlery set retails at a cool £69.99 or €85.50.

What do you think....or is it just me?

The third item is the 'Fitness Training Set'

It's a super set, in a nifty carry bag, to take to an outdoor space with some friends to have a lark in the park or a good workout.

This sensible buy retails at £80.00 or €97.50

1 out of 3 ain't bad

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Coordination...what coordination....?

What a giggle this morning was.  Today was my first full day at the NTC... 'Exercise to Music 1' in the morning and 'Sports Nutriton' for the afternoon.

I was greeted by a grinning Brian, one of my fellow students. I told you about him in an earlier post..dead-pan, very direct and I find him funny.  He also impressed me with his tale of how he went from 24 stone to 12.5 stone over 1.5 years.  "I've something for you" he announced proudly and threw a large pair of Levis in my direction.  I opened them out...they were the width of Malahide!  You could have fit me in one leg and him in the exaggeration. It certainly sparked conversation between those of us who hadn't chatted yet.

Anyway, after an hour of music theory with Ray, it was time to put our 'moves' to the test.  Mohammad whispered to me in broken English, that he had noooo coordination and to "watch out"! On went the tunes and off we stomped.  Mohammad wasn't lying.  No beat.  The funny thing was....the majority of the guys were like that so it made for 1.5 hours of bumping, ducking, stepping, giggling, sweating, red-faced genuine fun!  I'm going to make a sweeping my opinion, only a few, carefully chosen men have coordination and 'de beat' :)

'Sports Nutrition' for the afternoon was long but interesting as class participation was encouraged.  As well as our study, we were given a little homework to do. Our food diary to be completed over 3 days, and discussed with Michelle and class, when we meet her next on Wednesday. 

The diary is to start from tomorrow and as I'm no you all know.. it's vino tinto for me tonight.  After the week I've thrown myself into....I've earned it :)


Thursday, 2 February 2012

The calm after the storm....

Okay...I admit it...I panicked last night.  For those of you that know me well, that's not me at all pffft...who am I kidding...that's typical me (it's something I have to work on and change about myself)  It was a simple case of information overload which resulted in a headache however,on the plus side, I did sleep like a baby last night *big snores*

When I awoke this morning, my head was full of terms like Sagittal Plane, Circumduction and Synovial Fluid blah blah blah. It seems my little grey sponge had absorbed more than I'd thought.

Later this morning, in the peace and quiet of my front room I got stuck into my books and notes from last night and it all started to click together.  I really enjoyed that couple of hours.

I took a break at lunchtime to go to a Spin and Abs class followed by a high protein lunch and I'm good-to-go again.  Whilst at the gym I chatted with one of my Instructors, who herself did her training at the NTC many years ago, and she suggested that I make 'study cards'.  Write down the various joints, muscles, or anything that I'm finding difficult and stick the cards around the house, even in the car to keep it all fresh in my mind. What a great idea.  My world will be awash with yellow Post-its :) As with anything new, the more people you bounce things off, the more ideas you get back.

Hmmm I wonder if I could become a Swot...I always wanted to be a Swot...except of course, when I was in school...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The first day of 'big school'...

I have a pain in my head and my shoulders are in a knot *groan*.  I haven't been this tense in a long time.  This evening was my first real course night
Anatomy, Physiology & Myology Book 1. 

I'm not ashamed to admit that I had to look up what 'Myology' actually meant so I didn't arrive in total ignorance; for those of you who don't know, it's the study of muscles. 

'Planes of Motion', 'Joint Motions', 'Articulations' and 'Joints' are all very interesting but when thrown into my dusty brain over a 2.5 hour period, resulted in....a headache.  As overwhelming as I found it, my heart went out to Stan from Slovakia seated to my left and Anna from Poland who could been seen to be struggling, as their English isn't great.  We were chatting during a break and Stan was looking a little shell-shocked.  He is learning English and works in a restaurant (and 'out' judging by his physique) but was struggling with the Latin words mixed with the English. I assured him that one of my Instructors, who did her training at the NCT many years ago, told me today that the first two weeks are overwhelming but it will all settle down and then things will start to click into place as time goes on. I smiled, looked him in the eye and said..."hey it's not rocket science...many have done this before us...we can do it"! 

We then lightened the mood by laughing with Brendan who told us stories of when he used to be 23 stone.  He's now 12 stone and will bring his 'before & after' pictures along with his old jeans in next week for us to see.  He is some character..very dead-pan and out-going..a combination I find very amusing. Shelly to my right heard us giggling at his stories and then she announced that she used to be 24 stone.  She has slimmed down and here she is driving (return) from Wexford three times a week to do this course.  WOW ... these three people (two to my immediate left & one to my immediate right) are an inspiration.  I look forward to sitting beside and meeting more of my fellow students to hear their stories :)

Saturday should be FUN....'Exercise To Music 1'...that's ME...but I'll leave my heels at home :))