Thursday 7 March 2013

Day 4..Detox..hush..

Day 4...same eating plan as yesterday...supplements, gel and protein shakes plus a 600 cal meal.  It all went well.  Today I didn't feel hungry today I felt very quiet/subdude. ME??!

My hairdresser, who knows me 27 years said to me..."Pam in all the time I've known you I've never 'heard' you so quiet"..she said I had an aura of.."don't talk to me please" :)  Isn't it amazing how detoxying your body can change you.  I wasn't hungry today so it wasn't lack of food that had me feeling that way.

I did however liven up for my 8.15pm TRX class & whooped their asses..the energy really kicked in then & I was bouncing around the place like a lunatic..!  Sh*t I hope they come back on Monday :P

Feeling quiet again I'm off :)

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