Wednesday, 14 March 2012

On your bike....

..Hi there, I cannot believe that I haven't written about this before?!  It's my favourite form of endurance and cardiovascular exercise...I love it <3

I started spinning about 3 years ago and when I did, I hated it!  I had an assessment at the gym and the Instructor suggested I do a couple of spin classes and a couple of 'Body Pump' classes (resistance training) a week.  I wanted to loose body fat whilst getting fit and this is what was suggested.  When I first started..I couldn't keep up in the class. I was puffing..I was panting..I had a stitch..I was in pain..I was miserable BUT I didn't give up.  I kept going back until I found it getting easier and easier as I got fitter and fitter.  I'm now at the stage where I feel I own the bike and not the other way around. Emma (my daughter) her friend was at a couple of classes I was at and she told her afterwards that I was 'animal' at Spin...I think that's a good thing? :)

Spin class is one class where it's really up to the individual how hard you push yourself.  The more you increase your resistance and the more you increase your speed while doing this...the fitter you'll get and the more calories you'll buuuuurrn :) I push myself to the limit in every class, sweat like a divil but I love the rush I get from it.

Here are some benefits of Spinning:

It's a fantastic way to improve cardiovascular health, stamina, leg and core (ab) strength.  You won't see immediate results of your abdominal work, but over time you will feel your entire body begin to tone up, including your abs.

You literally work every leg muscle during each cycle stroke. Additionally, the heart (actually a muscle) is worked and the lungs increase their capacity over time.  Spinning makes your heart pump at 80 percent of its capacity as opposed to 50 to 65 percent normally. These are huge benefits of spinning.

Calorific burn depends on several variables but in general, I burn between 600-700 calories as a result of a 40 minutes class.  I can feel myself getting stronger each time I attend a class.

Indoor cycling is geared to many repetitions with a resistance you can maintain over that time, which results in toning and strengthening of muscle, not increased size. Yet another one of many benefits of spinning!

Spinning also builds mental strength. When you spin, there are good days and bad. The important thing is that you carry through with your regular Spinning routine. Push through difficult times. Push up hill climbs and push through endurance training.
Self discipline of the mind gained in Spinning can be applied to all areas of life. I have found it most beneficial in areas of self-control and confidence. Spinning helps develop a positive, "can do" attitude.
Trainers recommend Spinning no more than three days a week. In addition to Spinning, strength training is recommended (Pump or Kettlebell class) so that Spinning does not burn away muscle, but burns the fat you want to get rid of....and believe will!

I'd also say riding to some awesome 'choons' whilst enjoying the fabulous Italian countryside on the screen in front of you is also one of the many benefits of spinning!

Try'll end up loving it!

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