My warm-up was a jog around the block, ending with an up-hill slog (that wasn't a typo) back to the house. I was well warmed up...I was positively 'glowing'..
I used a 16kg for my two-armed exercises and a 12kg for my one-armed exercises...not for the faint-hearted...I did have to build myself up to these weights over the past 6 months *phew*
Shoot your HIPS straight forward and drive through your heels. At the same time your HIPS should come forward, torso rises, your arms and bell move in an arc forward to SHOULDER height only (any higher and you loose the benefit of the move). As the bell reaches the peak of the swing, forcefully contract your glutes (bum), hamstrings (back of thigh) and abs but keep your arms 'soft' with just enough tension to hold the bell. Elbows slightly bent.
I do 3 X 20 reps with some 'Jumping-Jacks' or 'Burpees' in between sets to keep the heart-rate up.
Sometimes I do some 'Push-ups' in between sets when I want to keep it 'low' and work more of the core.
Do as many as you can for 30 seconds. These can be done on your knees or I have been training to enable me to do them on my toes, feet together, chest to the ground...I can manage 5 in a row with perfect technique...not many you may think but harder for us ladies to do than you might think....I'll get there!
Although I did a further 4 different type of KB exercises, I'm only going to show you the basic 'Two-handed Swing' today....I show you another soon :)
The Bells are a fantastic all over body work-out as I've mentioned many many times. They have helped me achieve me current level of fitness along with cardio/vascular indoor cycling classes.
Try KettleBell classes...
you'll be amazed with the results...
*I should have said cardio/respiratory (heart & lungs) as opposed to cardio/vascular (heart, blood & blood vessels) .. I know you all noticed .. Right? :))