And you all wondered why I train so god-damned hard..... BLOG:
White Coat Notes
Orgasms when you exercise? Research suggests it’s possible
Have you ever heard of a coregasm? That’s an orgasm that occurs from engaging
your core muscles when you exercise. I certainly hadn’t until I read a new
Indiana University study published this week that confirms what Cosmopolitan
magazine has been telling its readers for years: it’s actually possible, at
least in women.
The study, which surveyed 530 women who volunteered to answer questions about
their sexual feelings when exercising, found that 370 of the survey respondents
reported experiencing either an orgasm or sexual pleasure when they exercised.
About one-third of that group said they occasionally had all-out orgasms most
often while doing abdominal exercises, which strengthen core muscles, as well as
climbing ropes, weight lifting or running.
Those sound like ridiculously high numbers to me, and study author Debby
Herbenick told me that the study wasn’t designed to get the real incidence of
exercise-induced orgasms -- just to prove they actually occur and to get a sense
of the kinds of activities that bring them on.
She’d been hearing from female students enrolled in her human sexuality
course that this happened to them when they exercised, which spurred her to
conduct a survey. The results were published in the peer-reviewed journal, Sexual and Relationship
“We don’t really know why these orgasms happen,” said Herbenick, “but I
prefer not to call them coregasms since they sometimes involve genital friction
-- biking, spinning, pole climbing -- not just working the core muscles.”
A majority of the study participants said the pleasure they received from
exercise made them self-conscious about exercising in front of other people, but
many said they could avoid particular activities or, say, limit the amount of
crunches to keep sensations under control in public.
Researchers have been studying the arousal effects of exercise for some time,
but this is the first study to actual examine orgasms themselves. Next up for
Herbenick? She’s planning to conduct a survey to see if the phenomenon occurs in
“I’ve heard from a number of men in recent days who’ve told me they
experience the same thing when exercising,” she said. “That surprised me since
I’d never heard from any before.”
I’ve decided to take my own informal survey. Feel free to answer the poll
Have you ever experienced an orgasm while
Eh...answers on a postcard please.
Thought you might have a giggle at that one folks.
And oh.. erm.. by the way...
the answer is 'no'...
but hope springs eternal :))
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