Saturday, 9 March 2013

Detox...Days 5 & 6...'Glowing'

Busy day yesterday and didn't get to post so writing up on the 2 days tonight.

I'm missing my morning porridge :(  I know it sounds odd but I am more than I'm missing my daily latte or my glass of red!

Yesterday was a busy day so I didn't get too much time to think about how I was feeling or what I 'wasn't' eating but I must admit, from the day before I was planning my dinner for yesterday evening.  We were going out to eat...Tandoori.  I'm allowed 600cals per day (as well as my supplements and shakes) and I knew exactly what I was going to spend it on *slurp*...pretty sure I dreamt about it too....Lamb Saag.  I didn't give a fiddlers if it was over 600cals or not...for feck sake I skipped a I had the Lamb Saag, 3 spoonfuls of rice and sin of sins a quarter of garlic naan!  OMG it was heavenly..I nearly did a Meg Ryan at the table *TMI* :p

Energy levels were good most of the day but just had to go to bed at midnight and missed the end of my DVD.

Today was a real test for me.  I had a 50 min Spin class to teach at 11am and just hoped my shake and supplements would be enough to see me through. I needn't have worried..I was on fire..great class.  Everyone sweats in Spin especially my good self but this morning I positively 'glowed'...well 'dripped'...(lovely image ey?!)  By the end of the class I was blinded by sweat (more so than usual) but boy did I feel good.  I then went on to do my own training for another hour...back/chest/abs day...I emptied the tank.

Came home to eat the leg of a table...but was only allowed a protein shake and supplements :)

Dinner was gratefully received..chicken and vegetables...devoured mercilessly.  Saturday night with green tea and water to chill out on the sofa with is tough...I want...I want...'something bold'...and I mean to eat.  Not because I'm hungry...just because I do!

On another note, I noticed today that my skin is 'glowing' not with sweat but just glowing in general and my head seems to be clearer...methinks this detox is really kicking in.  My mood is improving as the crankiness leaves me along with the toxins.

I only have 3 days left...I wonder what they'll bring...more people waving chocolates, King crisps, warm pancakes, lattes, shortbread biscuits, red wine and porridge under my highly sensitive nose!  Ahhhhh I'm on the home!

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