Friday, 20 April 2012

Resistance is 'not' futile...

A little KettleBell training al fresco...

 Resistance Training..

...if you want to see results, resistance training is what you need to do! Yes I've mentioned it in past posts and keep mentioning it again and again and that's because I truly believe in it :) 

Here are the benefits of resistance training over steady state cardio:
  • Improved strength
  • Develops muscle tone
  • Muscle balancing
  • Enhances physical appearance
  • Hypertrophy (muscular enlargement)
  • Develops muscular endurance
  • Improves general health and lifestyle
  • Improved motor skills
  • Enhanced sports performance
  • Improved bone density, reducing the risk of Osteoporosis in MEN and women
  • Decreased body fat levels (research as shown on individuals who followed an aerobic training plan for 30 mins X 3 times a week lost 1.4kg body fat in 8 weeks HOWEVER individuals who followed weight training + aerobic programme lost 4.5kg body fat and gained 0.9kg muscle)
  • Promotes good posture
  • Aids in rehabilitation - muscle imbalances, cardiac rehab etc.
  • Encourages good range of movement
For every 0.5 pound of muscle you add, your body will burn 25 calories per day, just to maintain it, let alone further calories burnt training and further developing the muscle. This equates to 9140 kcals per year, or just over 2.5lbs of fat. 
So you can see that gaining and maintaining just 2.5lbs of lean muscle will assist in burning over 13lbs or 1 stone of fat over the next year! This is through lean muscle gain – add on the cutting out of bad foods, short sharp interval training, and you’ll be dropping fat by the load!

Why not buy a set of dumbbells to use at home :)

Have I convinced you?
I would love to hear any feedback or comments...


  1. You have driven me enough now to get off my arse, started with an hours walk this morning and heading out for another when the kids get home. I will have a flat belly again if it kills me (and if you keep posting pics like that tomorrow)

    1. Ah Rachel, it's great to get a bit of feedback. I was actually talking to a girl at the gym today who has a little bit to loose & she was telling me that she was doing Spin Classes up to 6 times a week with some results but not enought. So she booked a PT for twice a week to do resistance training & already (after 10 days) the combination of the cardio with the resistance has shed cms from her waist. You NEED to do resistance training to see results ;) Fair play to you...keep it going girl & let me know how you're getting on. x

    2. Will do,I went to school to pick the girls up all depressed after seeing your pic haha. No Ihav been saying I will get off my ass too long, I have no excuse with a big huge park practically next door so fingers crossed if I get an hour every morning and a lighter walk inthe evening I can get some speed up soon and look into more stuff, I just have zero fitness at the mo.

  2. Pam, how did you get your "michelle Obama" arm! love the blog and find it very interesting!

  3. Rachel half the battle is being determined to do something about it & you seem determined to so good for you. Yes brisk walking is a very good start & when you're body adapts to that then you can get into the interval type training that I wrote about before. Walk for 5 mins, jog for 1 min, walk for 5 mins etc then build up to jog for 5 mins, run for 1 min etc. You can work it to suit yourself & just try to push yourself a little further every week or so. We'll talking about investing in dumbbells or kettlebells again ;) Thanks for your comments...It's nice to know I'm not talking to myself haha

  4. Hey Caroline,....I have a confession about my arms....I've always had good arms & shoulders so I had a head-start! Having said that I still train them....a lot. I wrote a Post in February called 'Wings' & it included the Michelle Obama arm's worth a read ;) I train mine with dumbell curls, weighted tricep dips, kettlebell swings, push-ups & only recently with the Rip 60. I reckon that if you just contract your biceps & triceps ie really squeeze them with every exercise you'll see better results in a shorter time. Even if you have no weights in your hands, just trying putting your arms by your side, make a fist, squeeze it tight & SLOWLY with contraction, bring your clenched fists up towards your shoulders & then lower with the same squeezing slow motion & you'll see & feel the difference. I'm glad you love the Blog & am delighted you find it interesting & took time to comment...that's what I'm looking for :) As I said to Rachel it makes me feel like I'm not talking to myself. Let me know how you get on ;)

  5. Right so, here is my blog, my first one on getting started and why I am trying and want to do it, no holds barred!/2012/04/getting-in-shape-for-your-wedding-me.html

  6. Wow's grrrrrreat! Really enjoyed the read & the mentions of course *blush blush*...awh shucks! Looking forward to keeping up with your progress ;)
