Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Par for the course...

"What's happening in the Soaps these days??!"

....that's a question I seem to be asking frequently....well I'm a woman, I miss my Soaps :(  My daughter thinks I'm running the risk of becoming a Nerd...I quite like the idea :) I'm going to give you a little update on how my course for a National Certificate in Exercise and Health Studies is going.  I'd almost forgotten over the weeks that that's what I was initially going to write about...oooops. 

I have to say, I'm enjoying writing this Blog and the feedback I'm getting, although not comment wise on the Blog, has been most encouraging. Friends/family have actually rang me, text me, private messaged me or emailed me to tell me how I've inspired them to:

  1. Hire a Personal Trainer (hopefully they'll come to me when I'm qualified :)) although one friend is in The US....(have camel...will travel).
  2. Join or rejoin their local gym and actually ask for a programme that incorporates cardio AND resistance training.
  3. Buy work-out equipment for use at home/outdoors ie Kettlebells or Dumbbells.
  4. Give Interval Training ago instead of just going for a walk (helps get you fitter and burn more fat)
  5. Make small changes in their eating plan..always eat breakfast, eat every 3 hours etc.
  6. Drink more water, 2 litres minimum and up to 3 if you can (not easy) a day plus a few mugs of Green Tea.
  7. Join local Zumba and Pilate classes.
I love to hear all this positive feedback...keep it up will stand to you in later years.

Anyhooooo, my course.  Well I'm half-way through it at this stage, yep hard to believe. It is broken down into 4 subjects:

  1. Exercise to music which incorporates training us to be able to safely instruct a class for a warm-up, aerobic class, MSE's (exercises using own body weight), cool down and stretches.  We had our first Task/Assessment for this last week and I was chuffed with an 'A+' for theory and an 'A' for practical :)
  2. Sports Nutrition which is the study of food and the processes of growth, maintenance and repair.  Very interesting and I've picked up some good tips from this and have made changes in the way, what and when I eat.  We had a Task/Assessment for this two weeks ago and I was delighted with an 'A' :)
  3. Resistance Training theory and technical. Which is training with machine or free-weights.  Extremely detailed and safety is paramount along with excellent instruction, guidance and technique.
  4. Anatomy/Exercise Physiology the study of the structures of the body and the relationships among them and the way the body and body parts function.  I find this the most difficult of all the subjects, as do most of us....especially the physiology as there's a lot to take in.  Having said this, it is very interesting.
I haven't had an Assessment for the latter two subjects yet, however, they're-a-comin'. It's just a shame I didn't study hard when I was in school all those years ago...I had to wait til I'm 44 to get my first A and A+!  Non, je ne regette rien..ey...

My fellow students are just a great great bunch.  We're with each other 3 times a week so I'm really really going to miss them and this whole college experience when it's over but will always have the fond memories.  We talk, laugh, joke, eat, drink, support, encourage and listen to each other and even have our own private group page on FB for study tips as well as banter!  I can no longer relay amusing stories about the lads and their lack of coordination and dancing skills anymore, because they've progressed into right little inconsiderate of them!

Well basically that's it for now.  I just have to study study study and more so practise practise practise. I/we have to start putting together a full routine to include (safety check, warm-up, training zone, MSE's, cool down and stretches) for an exercise to music class which we will have to instruct in a few weeks....yikes! 

I hope I haven't bored the butts off you and just told enough but not too much?

I would love to hear any feedback or comments...

Thanks for tuning in :)


  1. Seems a few of us have taken up the studies late Pam. Sr Nuala would be proud. Well done on the A's, if i was any nearer I'd hire you myself. Your blog is pretty inspiring....and so are your arms lol.

  2. Hmmmm Sr Nuala grrrrrrr! Yep a lot of us 40 something's have taken up late studies ... go girlies go :) Hey I could fly to Oz Sal .. cost effective?? :p Ooooh there I go mentioning 'wings' again .. smiles about the arms ... my best part, even if I say so myself! Thanks for your feedback & best of luck with your studies...xx
