Monday 11 March 2013

Detox..Day 8..'Buzzin'

Gooooood Morning....
Well here I 8 almost done.  I awoke full of beans.... and decided to hit 'my' gym, as in the gym I pay membership in, Westwood, as I haven't been in weeks because of work etc.  I went to a Body Pump class...low weights, high reps hour long class.  Great class.  After the class the Instructor, who I worked with during my time there called me over to tell me that I looked 'amazing'..awh *big smile* I hadn't seen her in a few weeks so she hadn't seen how much leaner I'd become and of course my 'glowing' skin.  She's interested in also doing a detox to lose a little and for energy (she was instructing 3 classes in a row this morning..tough going)!  I'm touching base with her next week with all my measurements and energy levels feedback :) Went on to train for another hour...lifting not yesterdays 14kg, for one arm rows, but 15kg :P  I also did 5 sets of eccentric 'Chin Ups', press ups and core work...where is all the energy and strength coming from?!  I'm amazed.

On a personal note, the day got better with a lovely text from the Instructor I was a little nervous about covering for last Saturday coz his Spin classes are 'shit-hot' and the most popular of the week. He text that he heard I did a good job and could I cover next Thurs morning for him *big smile*.  The day got better again, with another lovely text from my 'Silver Sneakers' class I used to instruct in the gym I left last week..they were 'shocked' at my leaving and that they'd 'really really miss me' *big teary smile* and then finally yet another lovely text from an old friend, who's very dear to me, and I hadn't heard from in a while *big smile*.  All in all a positive morning and I forgot that I was even on a detox.

Instead of my protein shake at lunchtime I decided to have spinach, egg, avocado and mackerel in Teryaki sauce..yum.  Then I cleaned the house..with a smile on my face :)

Dinner was bolognaise sauce with a little pasta along with my supplements and then I headed out to my TRX class..full of beans!  I really enjoy these classes as everyone there is there to work hard and achieve results...the energy in the room is super.  As an Instructor, that's what spurs us on...all that positive energy so we in turn give it back.  I've said it before....I love my 'job' :)  Got home to a lovely 'post' thanking me for a great class *big smile*.

I was starting to feel a little hungry at about 10pm so I must admit I had a slice of ham..probably not allowed but I allowed myself it.  There's no way I'm ever going to bed with a rumbly tumbly!

All in was a good day full of positive moments and lots of *big smiles*.  If my energy continues to escalate the way it has over the past few days...I reckon I'm going to bounce out of the bed in the morning and buzz around all day doing all the training, cleaning, visiting, shopping, washing....and any other thing ending with 'ing' that I haven't really done in a while..with glowing skin, clear eyes and a clear head *ping*

One day to go of supplements, gel and protein shakes but have to say I'm amazed with the results already.  Still missing my porridge though...

Sunday 10 March 2013

Day 7..Detox.. 'Energy'

..a friend posted this pic on my wall today..& it made me smile.."how bad to do you want it?!"

Day week..and what a bloody long week it's been...'are we there yet' or wha' scenario! Slept like a baby again last night and didn't wake up until 10.15am which is unusual for me as I usually awaken early, 7-8ish at the weekend, much to my annoyance.  Good quality non alcohol of-a-Saturday-night induced sleep :)

No rattle of the brekkie tray being carried up the stairs on Mother's Day laden with a delightful full Irish and a mug of Barrys *just drooled a little there*.  Dragged my own ass (admittedly shrinking) down the stairs to knock back a shot of gel, supplements but I did enjoy my hot choccy protein shake. Feeling good..looking fresh, apart from the bed-head :-/

Off to work at 4pm for a 45 mins Spin class. I did have a bowl of homemade minestrone soup before I left along with my supplements.  Loads of energy kicked-ass! I welcomed a few new faces and one of the Regulars plans on bringing his kids next week. Sweated loads again..there should be feck all 'bold' stuff left in me at this stage.  Finished class and then, like yesterday, went on to do my own training.  Today, for the first time I actually felt lighter, tighter, fresher, brighter and stronger...can't explain but I felt and looked different (in my own head?)  I went to do my 'one arm row' (exercise for back using dumbbells) and I was lifting a 14kg.  3 sets of 10 (left & right arm) 14kg chuffed.  Went onto the TRX and belted out 'Crunches', 'Runners' & 'Pikes' like a Divil.  Where had all this energy and strength come from..dunno just glad it did.

Left the gym wrecked but in a good way and very hungry.  Home for supplements and a shot of gel before my dinner at 7.  Jaysus, I thought 7 would never come..I'm not gonna lie..was going out-of-my-head I was so hungry...had to hide up in my room for half an hour until it was ready for fear of biting someone's head off....and eating it *kidding*

More homemade soup, lentil this time, baked ham, roasted veg, roast potatoes..yes I ate them and homemade parsley sauce.  600 cals??  Probably a hell of a lot more but hell I'd earned it.  I've realised this detox is saying 600 cals for your dinner but when you've trained and trained hard for the guts of 2 hours you need more in your gut!

It's 10.30pm now and I'm not gonna lie...I am hungry.  Sipping away at the water....oh that's another thing....missed my lovely Sunday wine with my lovely Sunday dinner but tbh I was more interested in the food...FOOOOOOD!  But then I look up and read the 'discipline' poster that Derek sent me and it's oh so true.  I did this detox to cleanse my system and to get more energy...yes to shift those few stubborn lbs/kgs would also be nice but I have to stick to my goal...especially after investing in such an expensive detox.  "What do I want now and what do I want the most"?!  I'll probably go and make myself a hot chocolate protein shake for supper and that should settle me for the night....I sound like a feckin' baby (apparently I've been snoring like one).

On another note...those around at home, have told me that my mood has been all over the place this even mentioned that HE couldn't wait til I was finished so my mood would improve.  I didn't think I was that bad..perhaps a little more intolerant than usual, perhaps a little less patient than usual, perhaps a little more skatty than usual, perhaps a little more 'snappy' than usual but apart from all that, I'm sure I'm a joy to live with :p

Energy levels dipping a little now and my stomach talking to me so I'm off to rustle up a shake. Where the hell is this 'discipline' coming from?  It is certainly is a challenge, but I suppose it's good to challenge yourself every now and then.  Have already planned my next one with one of the PT's in Lloyds.  He does his own, along with a Nutritionist and it's...wait for it...21 days!  Sh*t...that's gonna be a challenge...will wait til the Summer and just before the holidays for that one but in the meantime...I'm heading to the kitchen :)

Saturday 9 March 2013

Detox...Days 5 & 6...'Glowing'

Busy day yesterday and didn't get to post so writing up on the 2 days tonight.

I'm missing my morning porridge :(  I know it sounds odd but I am more than I'm missing my daily latte or my glass of red!

Yesterday was a busy day so I didn't get too much time to think about how I was feeling or what I 'wasn't' eating but I must admit, from the day before I was planning my dinner for yesterday evening.  We were going out to eat...Tandoori.  I'm allowed 600cals per day (as well as my supplements and shakes) and I knew exactly what I was going to spend it on *slurp*...pretty sure I dreamt about it too....Lamb Saag.  I didn't give a fiddlers if it was over 600cals or not...for feck sake I skipped a I had the Lamb Saag, 3 spoonfuls of rice and sin of sins a quarter of garlic naan!  OMG it was heavenly..I nearly did a Meg Ryan at the table *TMI* :p

Energy levels were good most of the day but just had to go to bed at midnight and missed the end of my DVD.

Today was a real test for me.  I had a 50 min Spin class to teach at 11am and just hoped my shake and supplements would be enough to see me through. I needn't have worried..I was on fire..great class.  Everyone sweats in Spin especially my good self but this morning I positively 'glowed'...well 'dripped'...(lovely image ey?!)  By the end of the class I was blinded by sweat (more so than usual) but boy did I feel good.  I then went on to do my own training for another hour...back/chest/abs day...I emptied the tank.

Came home to eat the leg of a table...but was only allowed a protein shake and supplements :)

Dinner was gratefully received..chicken and vegetables...devoured mercilessly.  Saturday night with green tea and water to chill out on the sofa with is tough...I want...I want...'something bold'...and I mean to eat.  Not because I'm hungry...just because I do!

On another note, I noticed today that my skin is 'glowing' not with sweat but just glowing in general and my head seems to be clearer...methinks this detox is really kicking in.  My mood is improving as the crankiness leaves me along with the toxins.

I only have 3 days left...I wonder what they'll bring...more people waving chocolates, King crisps, warm pancakes, lattes, shortbread biscuits, red wine and porridge under my highly sensitive nose!  Ahhhhh I'm on the home!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Day 4..Detox..hush..

Day 4...same eating plan as yesterday...supplements, gel and protein shakes plus a 600 cal meal.  It all went well.  Today I didn't feel hungry today I felt very quiet/subdude. ME??!

My hairdresser, who knows me 27 years said to me..."Pam in all the time I've known you I've never 'heard' you so quiet"..she said I had an aura of.."don't talk to me please" :)  Isn't it amazing how detoxying your body can change you.  I wasn't hungry today so it wasn't lack of food that had me feeling that way.

I did however liven up for my 8.15pm TRX class & whooped their asses..the energy really kicked in then & I was bouncing around the place like a lunatic..!  Sh*t I hope they come back on Monday :P

Feeling quiet again I'm off :)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day 3..Detox..The Fog

Day 3..unfortunately I didn't sleep very well on the night of day 2 and was up at 5.15am on the morning of day 3 ie today.  Although I woke bright eyed & somewhat bushy-tailed despite only 4 hours sleep, the brain wasn't ticking over as it should which resulted in me misreading my Aloe detox guide for 'Day 3' so I forgot to take my protein shake for breakfast.  I did take my Gardinia, gel, bee pollen & water but missing out that shake made a lot of difference :-/

By 9.30am I couldn't function properly. Instructing in my Kettlebell class was cloudy.  I found it hard to string a sentence together, had a lack of concentration and felt very light-headed.  Thought it was just part of the toxins leaving my body but it wasn't I reckon I had stupidly gone into some sort of starvation mode.  My friend Yvonne, who is also doing the detox contacted me telling me she felt great and was wondering how I was feeling so bad?  Then she went through all the things I should have taken for brekkie & it was then that we realised that I hadn't taken the protein shake *doh*

Anyways, by the afternoon and a chicken & spinach salad later, I felt a lot better.  Yvonne came here for her One to One training with me and did a great session considering she is detoxing too.  Both of our weights have dropped considerably in just 3 days..not my goal to drop but Yvonne does hope to shift those last few lbs and she'll do it.

I think I'm getting the hang of the detox now, although when D asked me earlier if I'd like a coffee..I was just about to say "I'd love one"..when I had to stop and say no and reach for a green tea instead.

Later that evening, I was a little down, probably due to some unforeseen news on the work front and this detox and he asked me if I wanted to go for a pint???!  Argh....once again I almost said "I'd love one"...til we both remembered I can't.

I did have to have a half hour nap in the evening but that could have been due to my lack of sleep last night and my early start, rather than the detox.  Perhaps a combination of all three?

I had spinach and a little bolognaise sauce for my dinner, as from day 3 onwards I'm allowed to eat 600 cals along with the supplements.  I ate it very slowly, enjoying every mouthful, along with some water. 

I'm sipping a green tea now and feel good although a little quiet in myself.  Although that could be due to the out-of-the-blue surprise of being 'let go' from my job earlier in the day rather than the detox?  Hey everything happens for a reason so I know there's something else out there for me :)  At the moment, it's another 6 days of detox!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Detox..Day 2..meh!


I had a great night's a baby but awoke feeling like a wet rag.  I felt really tired and my legs felt like lead..felt like I'd been out on the batter..and let me tell you, I haven't done that in quite a while!

Had my 'breakfast' of 2 Gardinia capsules, 120ml aloe gel and water.  Then I headed out to bring the Mammy to the clinic followed by another trip to Superquinn.  This is the first time ever we have gone to Superquinn to days in a row. A test? I was hungry. I was cranky. I confess that twice I went to the bakery counter intending on buying one of those fresh cream donuts or a batch of the freshly made pancakes that the Baker was whipping up outside.  I was going out of my tiny mind and it took every fibre of my being NOT to buy something and just shove it..without chewing it..down my neck BUT I didn't.  Mammy bought a batch of the pancakes for us un beknownst to me and forgetting about my detox.  I had the waft of 2 batches of freshly made pancakes in the car the whole way home :-/

I then went for a consultation with a new client and my head was a little foggy, for want of a better expression.  She understood as her friend, who comes to my TRX class is nearly finished the same detox and felt the same on occasion.  I got through it with a little help of a couple of Bee Pollen tablets and water.

Decided to keep my protein shake til the evening to give me something to look forward to, so lunch was Gardinia, gel and Bee Pollen tablets with water.  Felt energetic though so took the dog down to St Ann's Park for a nice walk in the Spring sun.  I spent the entire time running after him as he rang after other dogs..he doesn't pay any heed to me at all! The only person he listens to is Derms :-/

Arrived home tired, muck sprayed over my face and clothes where he'd run through a big feckin' mucky puddle, after another very lively doggy, and then they both shook themselves over me. Felt tired and light-headed and cranky so went for a nap.  Arose rejuvenated and excitedly ran down the stairs to make a hot chocolate protein shake for my dinner.  Christ, it was the best part of the day.  I sipped it watching the game.

I've just had my gel and water while I get my lunch ready for tomorrow.  YES..I can eat again tomorrow!!  So looking forward to that.  Although I was never really really hungry today I still got the urge to put food in my mouth every so often.

In a nut-shell.  Day 2..bloody tough.  Glad I wasn't working.  Concentration was crap.  I stood on the scales just out of curiosity...down 3lbs already but that's not really what I'm after. 

I will really appreciate my food in future and savour every mouthful.  We should all be thankful for what we have..many out there don't and those couple of days gave me some very small idea of what it must be like not to have food (out of choice & bearing in mind I had supplements) so to go without both, due to no other option, must be hell :(

Anyhooo..that's day 2 almost over.  Heading to bed soon coz I'm up at 5am....not really looking forward to that either....really don't know what way I'm gonna feel?! I'm a moany bitch tonight..aren't I..

2 down..7 to go ;)

Monday 4 March 2013

D-Day..Day 1..Detox

Detox Pack :)
Sheesh....I haven't blogged in ages!  Anyways, this is day 1 of my Forever Living Aloe Clean 9, (9 days) detox almost done.  I must 23.00 I'm starting to fade.

The day started with a rumbling tummy, as usual and instead of my bowl of porridge with dried seeds and fruits washed down with a glass of wheatgrass, I had 2 Gardinia capsules, 120ml of Aloe gel and water.  Not great but doable.  A couple of hours later I had my 'snack' of 2 Bee Pollen tablets with water mmmmm.  Despite all of this, I didn't feel hungry.

I had a One to One PT session after that where I enjoyed another glass of water.  When I came home I felt a little peckish so I had...wait for it...another 2 Bee Pollen tablets and a mug of green tea.  That did the trick.

Food wise, lunch was the highlight of the day.  2 Gardinia capsules, 120ml Aloe Gel, water with 2 Bee Pollen tablets PLUS 1 scoop of Ultra Lite chocolate flavoured meal replacement shake mixed with skimmed milk.  I blended it in the blender and heated.  It was a delicious hot chocolate drink that totally satisfied and warmed me up :)

I was out again in the afternoon for a spot of shopping, part of which was accompanying my mother to the bakery section of Superquinn!  Poor tummy went into growling overload but I was fine...didn't actually feel hungry but my tummy was reacting to the fab aromas.  My mood was very quiet, I felt a little pooped (not quite myself) and my concentration wasn't great.

Came home to have my dinner of Gardina, Gel & Bee Pollen..with water, before heading out again to give my 8pm TRX class.  Well, what a surge of energy when I started that class...I was almost bouncing off the walls.  I was 'buzzin'..and we had a great class!

Home, shower and rumbling tummy again.  Check book to see what I can have for 'evening'....Gel & water!  I usually make a little something when I come back from class and my tummy was telling me this so I found this a little difficult.  Although I wasn't hungry I still wanted to physically put some food in my mouth.  Amazing how we can build a habit.

I've showered and have my 'gear' out for the morning, another One to One PT session :)  I'm feeling tired now and a little light headed but am pretty sure I'll have a good sleep IF this rumbling tummy doesn't keep me awake :-/

I'm delighted I got through today with such each because, to be honest, I was dreading it and wasn't really sure if I'd make it through but I'm pretty determined if & when I put my mind to something.  Day 2 is more of day 1 so hopefully it goes equally as smooth.

I going to hit the hay now, as the concentration is going again so please excuse any typos there may be..I hate making typos but will excuse myself tonight.  I shall have sweet dreams of day 2..and that chocolate shake to look forward to...Good night all *mwah*