Wednesday, 18 July 2012

'Strong' Is the new 'Skinny' for Women

Yes, I've written before about the benefits of weight training for may as well say that I swear by it :) From how it can help prevent Osteoporosis, help burn body fat whilst also adding symmetry and balance to your body. My entire body shape has changed due to resistance training (and a careful but not strict, eating plan). I met a girl at the gym on Monday morning, who hadn't seen me in about 10 months and she said..."Pam, what have you look've transformed yourself"...made me smile and proud of my achievements :))

When you mention resistance/weight training to a lot of ladies, they get an image of the top left picture, when in fact that's not the case at all.  Only last week, when I sat in on a first time assessment at the gym did the girl say to us..."I don't want to end up looking like Jodie Marsh"! I chuckled and informed her that Jodie is a 'Body Builder', size 6, has virtually no body fat due to gruelling workouts of 3 hours cardio and 1 hour of weights daily, endless hours of posing and flexing, no alcohol, eating lots of protein and good clean carbs, protein shakes all held together with commitment, dedication and determination. Eh... not for me either.  However, at the end of the assessment she turned to me & said..."I want arms like yours"...I did that you can aim for.

This type of training will have you looking stronger, leaner and fitter.

Also, when you weight train, you release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness and well being and you will also have an increased energy level.  Weight training is the fountain of exists in the gym (or a PT session with me *smile*) in the form of barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells!  It has been proven that exercise helps to keep the fast twitch fibres (strength fibres) active, which start to deteriorate as people get older.  Good examples are Jane Fonda, Madonna and to a more 'down to earth', 'normal' extent me...I don't think I look and certainly don't feel my 44 years...we have our 'fountain of youth' fix every week :) If all of that is not a good enough reason to weight train...I really don't know what is? Hey, an hour on the treadmill reading a book you could burn 300-400 cals, tops.  Have a cappuccino and a bikkie afterwards and it's all wiped out in a frothy moment.  One hours weight training will burn calories for the next 2 to 3 DAYS, while your body repairs to get you ready for the next weight workout.

Lifting weights will give you a sculptured, toned, healthy and youthful-looking body...sooooo get pumping ladies :)

If any of you readers, ladies or gents, are interested in training with me where I can assure you of good advice, motivation, monitoring along with a damn good workout to help you achieve YOUR goal...(as one of my PT client's describes me "nice but firm")
please message or email me on

Just did it ;)


  1. What's the best way to get started on resistance training for an out of shape overweight old fart lie me?

  2. Hi Sal, well I thinks it's you Sal (Smegs) :) Are you going to start yourself from home? If so, start with training your biggest muscle group...your legs. Multi joint exercises are the best for burning fat so squats and lunges all the way. If your technique is good with squats ie squatting down as if you're going to sit on a chair, whilst keeping your chest up, pull your belly-button towards your spine & ensure your knees are in line with your toes but don't go over the toes as you're lowering yourself....'ass to grass' down as low as you can. If this is correct try it whilst holding perhaps a 2 litre bottle of water in front of your chest & gradually go heavier, perhaps investing in a set of dumbbells/kettlebells.. Same with lunges, perfect technique, lowering back knee to 1 inch off the ground ensuring front knee is in line with toes but not going over. Progress to lunges with a weight in each hand. 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise (squats & lunges) with a 30 sec break between each set of 15. Small weights for your hands for bicep curls & tricep kick-backs (if you don't know what these are let me know & I'll get pics & explain)finally, if you can...push-ups....on knees & progress to on toes (I only perfected 'on the toes' this year) us ladies need upper body strength for these but they are a fantastic all over body exercise. I hope this was of help Sal? If I didnt explain myself very well or you have any queries, please give me a shout. Glad someone is reading & is intersted....your fellow fart...Pam xx

  3. Yes it is me! I'll be going to the gym but want to do a bit at home as well. I got some resistance training bands to work with but wanted some expert advice so thanks heaps xx you look fab by the way, and by fab I mean FAB! No fart attached to you at all matey!

    Sal xx

  4. Hi Sal, it's super that you're getting back to the gym. I hope they have a good program written up for you? I worked with the resistance band for the first time on hols...had seen them around but hadn't bothered. What a simple but very effective piece of equipment! I used it for my shoulder exercises (catching under alternative knees whilst kneeling & extending outwards to opposite side), chest (lying supine holding band in both hands over chest & extending outwards), upper back (with seated rows & it caught around my feet), biceps curls (band caught under opposite foot whilst curling arm upwards) & triceps (holding hands behind back with the band & extending alternate arms upwards). WOW I was super impressed. The trick with it is to keep it under tension at all times (don't allow it to slacken) so the muscle is under constant contraction. If you use your band at home along with the above squats/lunges etc AND eat well you should start to see the results in no time :)) Please please keep in touch & give me/us an update on how you're getting on? Thanks for your compliments...I busted my ass for that bikini pic :p Love, Pam xx
