Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 The Year of The Rollercoaster..

..has since been framed..
Hi there, long long time no hear.  What a Busy Bee I've been/am.  Wow, 2012 what a year!
Those of you who have been following my 'fizzling' Blog & FB Page 'Pamercise' will know that this time last year my life was a completely different affair.  I had read my 'self-help' book and booked my Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer course but that's all I'd done.  I suppose you could say things or rather my 'new' life started to change on Jan 31st on the first evening of my course.

I loved every minute of that course at The NTC and I loved meeting all my wonderful classmates.  What a mixture we were...I still miss it and them. This course/experience brought out a side of me that I didn't know existed.  I can focus, I can study, I can train hard, I can get A's and B's in exams...hell there's a first time for everything! I was qualified by July :)

From July to September I managed to organise 'work experience' in the gym where the love of training began for me, Westwood Clontarf.  The Trainers there were absolutely wonderful to me and taught me so much more and I really appreciate their time and patience.  They were an amazing bunch, who quite foolishly, weren't always appreciated by Management and many have since been 'snapped up' elsewhere.

September saw me securing a position in a wonderful, gym in Howth, The Fitness Agency.  There are 5 of us working there and we all love our 'job' and the members.  Everyone knows everyone by name, it's a lovely environment to work in.  I'm teaching Spin, TRX, Circuit and Kettlebell classes as well as my PT clients.  The hardest part of getting started is building your confidence, once you overcome that, stay positive and believe in yourself, then you can do it.

I did try running my own Circuit Classes in the local school hall but I had to 'give up' (hate saying that) but did due to lack of numbers :( I was in competition with an established 'Boot Camp' in the school next door. I did only give it four weeks though..and funnily enough the week after I 'gave up' I got a few calls from girls interested in joining up.  I may try it again in the future....if I can find the time?   You see, a few weeks back, I got a call from a fab Fitness Instructor who I knew from Westwood and is now in David Lloyd, Riverview and he has offered me Spin class shifts out there..(I love Spinning). I was absolutely chuffed to get the call and chuffed to get experience in another gym. I was there at 9 this morning sweating out the last of 2012 :)

In other 'achievements', I've a 'Thump Boxing Level 1 and Advanced Accredited Course' under my belt (pardon the pun)..what an fantastic yet exhausting weekend that was..I was literally bruised and sore after it but loved every minute of it.  My weight is now at 10.5 stone and more importantly, my body-fat is 15%..I'm in the 'athlete' range :))  At the age I am and I have NEVER been as fit in my life. My eating plan has improved, I take Wheatgrass, Spirulina, Cod liver oil capsules (lots) and constantly munch on nuts and seeds..much to the amusement of family and friends...'The Budgie'.  Hey, I'm no angel though, I still enjoy my drinkies and 'bold' moderation.

I have two Personal Training clients (who I train in their homes) who are just wonderful girls and give 100% effort each time we train.  Hence, they are both seeing the results of their efforts.  One girl reckons I was 'sent to her'...flattering, but as I said earlier...I'm no angel!

The down side of my year is my Dad's rapidly deteriorating's absolutely soul-destroying to have a loved one with Alzheimers.  They are there but they are not there!  Looking around 'homes' for him, is also heart-breaking and that's where we're at.  I believe that this year the good was sent to me to try and balance out the 'bad' and in some small way it does but's hard. I will continue to try and stay positive and remember all the happy memories and be thankful for them :)

So there you have it!  October 2011, I had a I set the wheels in motion....2012 I did the course....I qualified....I secured a job (and another)....I have wonderful PT clients who appreciate me....I'm where I want to be, for the moment.  I have a lot more to learn and I intend to do so and better myself. 

The whole reason I went down this road was because I wanted to feel proud of myself by getting a qualification in 'something', as I felt I'd achieved little in my life. So figured, why not get a qualification in something I love.  I couldn't have dreamed it could have turned out so well for me in less than a year!  I've been told on a few occasions that I'm 'an inspiration'..ME?...brings a tear to my eye every  time.  If nothing else that makes me feel proud!

Thanks to all who have read my Blog, FB page, sent messages, texts, calls and posts of support, organised photoshoots, fliers, 'contacts' and of course those of you who booked me as their PT :)  Also, to those of you who were there to 'listen' to me when times got tough and I was 'sniffly' and offered your ear/hug/support..from the bottom of my heart...'thank you' <3

Remember....follow your dream....I did :)

Monday, 24 September 2012

'Neeeeew Shoooooes'...

Nike Free 3.0 V4
"Harder to get than hen's teeth"...that's what the assistant in Runways on Parnell Street said to me last week when I asked if he stocked these 'babies'.  "I know"...was my I had been to every other sports outlet in the city centre in search of this highly recommended trainer.  I'll be more organised in future and order my next pair online.

He only had one size left and in one!  This shoe was meant for me.  As I slipped it on, I felt like Cinderella slipping her foot into the 'glass slipper' for the first time, although I fear my foot is twice the size of young Cinder's and this shoe is hell-of-a-lot more practical than a 'glass slipper'!

For €100 they are relatively inexpensive, considering my last pair of trainers were €160 and not a patch on these.

The next day, I put my custom-made orthotics (prone to lower back pain) into them and away I went.  They're made with a seamless hugging upper of ultra-thin material called NanoPly that still gives you room to flex.  Because of their excellent flexibility they let your foot move naturally. The degree of flexibility and softness makes it feel like you're running/training in your socks with padding on the bottom.

It's a small fitting so you may need a half or full size bigger than your normal size.

I'm loving them, highly recommend them and could easily sleep in them.

Does anyone have any other trainer that they would recommend?

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Jan - Sept...result :)

Thanks to a brilliant best selling self-help/motivation book, a suggestion from a friend, a lot of hard work, focus, positive thoughts, determination and self-belief...I feel I've arrived at where I want to be...albeit at the tender age of 44!

If you had have told me this time last year that this is where I'd be and this is what I'd be doing now, I would have laughed and dismissed it as 'poppy-cock'! 

Yet, here I sit after my first day as a Fitness Instructor and PT in a lovely intimate gym in Howth.   Bearing in mind I was only interviewed last Monday and offered the position on Tuesday, I am chuffed to be up there training members from this morning.

I love to help people (in general) but I love to help them train and achieve their fitness goals even more.  This morning/afternoon I got to do that with people I had just met..and having them thank me, with red sweaty faces was all I needed to put a smile on my face and a sense of achievement.  I have my own PT clients outside of the gym who I am so grateful to for believing in me and employing my services as soon as I was know who you are :)  Working here will be another step in the right direction.

Following a few nudges from another couple of good guys, from September 26th, I have the local primary school hall booked for the following:

This is actually a poster but you can't see it clearly because of the 'white on white'.
My hope is that I get a few bodies to come along to 'Pamercise', train with me, get a good work-out and have some fun :)

This whole journey has taught me many things....things I didn't know about myself.  I do have focus, I do have determination, I can study, (I can get A's and B's in exams :)) I do have patience. What's even more surprising is that I've been told on numerous occasions that I'm an 'inspiration'! ME an inspiration?  Now that's something I never ever dreamt I'd hear anyone say to me even once no mind on numerous occasions...and that makes me smile :) I am proud of myself.

I suppose my message to any of you out there with a dream is...go for may not be easy and at times you'll question if you're 'doing the right thing' but at the end of it all, you can sit back and say...

"Non, je ne regrette rien"
I did it!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Ab Challenge anyone? :)

Advanced Plank with raised foot - change leg half way through ;)
I'll be honest...I used to hate the word 'challenge' soon as I heard it I thought of hard work, and yes it is but I've learned to embrace the word.  You've just got to push yourself physically and mentally every so often to improve yourself which results in a greater sense of achievement.  I tried this ab challenge this morning, at home with Def Leppard in my ears.  It was an even greater challenge for me as I had a 'heavy' day of training yesterday and my whole body is sore with DOMS (delayed onset of muscule soreness) today but I just gritted my teeth and got on with it.  It was definitely a case of mind over matter especially for the 'holds'..I thought the timer would never go off.  It's a good job I was alone as there was a lot of grunting and a few 'bad' words, especially for the 2 minute bridge at the whole body trembled and my butt was on fire OOOOUCH!  My suggestion for counting the crunches, which I did by the last set, count them in sets of 10 as opposed to 1 to's psychological :) The whole lot only took 10 minutes....go for it!
Let me know if you take the challenge and how you get on!

50              Crunches
15              Push Ups
1                 Minute Plank
30              Secs Side Plank
1                 Minute Bridge
15              Push Ups
1                 Minute Plank
30              Secs Side Plank
50              Crunches
1                 Minute Raised Plank
2                 Minute Bridge
50              Crunches

Crunches - squeeze abs & bring elbows towards knees, keep shoulders off floor
This is the Bridge - HOLD for 1 & 2 Minutes

This is the Raised Plank - HOLD for 1 Minute
This is Side Plank - HOLD 30 secs each side. Option A easier than Option B

Monday, 27 August 2012

Makes me smile....

Weight 10st12lb, BMI 23.2, Body Fat 26.3%
I have to share and write about this because when I reflect, it makes me smile :)
At the tender age of 44 I am back to a size 10 and weighing in, in the 10's and in better shape than I've ever been.  I was 22 when I was last a size 10 and weighing in at about 10st 7lb but I wasn't the same shape as I am now.  I was slim but I wasn't toned and if I'm honest probably wasn't too fit either.

..the bikini pic that I thought would never be!

I put on some weight just before I got married (stress)...yep stress...I must be the only bride-to-be that the dress had to be 'let-out' a bit on various fittings..I was lucky she wasn't banging another panel in!  When I got stressed I used to eat.  Even up to 7 years ago when I had a stressful full-time job...I went in a size 12/14 and came out a year and a half later a good size 16 *munch munch munch* and no exercise.
Anyhow, started putting on the weight before the 'big' day, continued on the honeymoon, the food was gorgeous in Barbados and the cocktails were for nothing,  so the weight started from there.  After 6 months I was fed up being soft and unfit, so along with two of my work colleagues/friends, I did join a gym on Clanbrassil Street. I did train 3 to 4 times a week, as in Step Aerobics, 'Jane Fonda' type Aerobics (I even had a couple of those fab shiny G-string leotards),Circuit classes and resistance training and I got back into great shape, six-pack 'n all. Looked fab....up until I had the girls.  Then I did no exercise, though I did join Weight Watchers TWICE and did the Slim Fast, Cabbage Soup, Atkins and whatever other fad diet that was around at the time until I copped on and joined the gym 6 years ago.
I wasn't always great at going to the gym or training properly once I was there but it did 'click' with me after a time and of course after I started to see the results of a good focused training session.
You know the rest.  Ended up loving the training. Decided to study for a qualification in Exercise, Nutrition and Personal Training. Got 2 A's & 2 B's in my exams (something else that made me smile as I never got A's in any of my big school exams). And here I am.
Things are happening slowly, however I am so grateful for the couple of clients that I have and especially the one who rang me months ago and told me she would cancel her current trainer and come and train with me once I was qualified.  True to form, she rang me the morning I got my results and booked know who you are...thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am still on work placement in my favourite gym but am not so confident about securing a position there.  Although I've been told by the Operations Managers and the gym Manager that there has been a lot of positive feedback about me, there are no positions and if and when one does become available, there are 'bodies' ahead of me.  I will continue my work placement there, keep my eyes and ears open and learn as much as I can.  I will also stay positive, try and build my Personal Trainer client list (finding that difficult) and also try and secure a position as an Instructor in a gym.
I hope to have my web page with pictures and information (thanks to Paul D), my new FB page (named along with the web page, with the help of Rachel F), organised later this week and it all up and running by next week.  I will link my Blog into both.  When I do, I know I can count on you to 'like' and 'share' for me.  I just have to keep believing....
something great is going to happen!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Strength Training For Kids....

..a bicep curl & a smile :)
 This is something that I've looked into and read up on as it is something that I'm interested in.  As more and more children are starting to participate in sports and thankfully a number of increasingly overweight children are becoming more active....there is an increasing number of sports related injuries.

As you know by this stage, coz I bang on about it so much, I'm an advocater of resistance training not only for burning fat, improving bone density but it is also recommended to strengthen kids to prevent their chance of a sports related injury.

Before I continue I want to clarify that I'm talking about strength training as in using your body weight (push-ups, sit-ups), machines (although gym machines may be inappropriate for a child's use), free weights or pieces of equipment like resistance bands/tubing or medicine balls.  I'm not talking about power lifting or body building!

According to The Sports Medicine Institute for Young Athletes at The Hospital for Special Surgery, NY, a regimen of strength training before kids start playing sport may prevent injuries.  They reckon.."strength training for kids is safe, helpful and important for kids who are playing sports.  It gets them in shape and ready to play for the season".  It's also a great confidence builder and something that parents/adults and kids can do together. Evidence suggests that a preseason strength training program can reduce sports related injuries in adolescents and can speed up metabolism in overweight children.

If its done properly, strength training is completely safe for kids. A supervised, sports specific program is key to success ie swimmers need shoulder strengthening.

It is important to use HIGH reps of a LOW weight ie 3 sets of 15 reps of say 1kg for each exercise and ideally 3 times a week. These exercises must always be supervised by a parent/adult.  For maximum benefit, strength training should start at least 6 weeks before their season starts so their muscles have time to develop.  When I say develop I don't mean they will develop large muscles (they won't because of the high reps and low weight) but they will develop strength.

A Football/Soccer Player
Would do training for lower body ie squats, lunges, wall lunges using an exercise ball etc and these can be done at home or at the gym. about a little squat..mind you his technique isn't great :-/

A Martial Arts Participant
Would do upper body training ie dumbbell bicep curls, single arm rows and other exercises that develop upper body strength.
However any athlete involved in throwing sports (although even a footballer has to throw the ball from the sideline at some stage) will benefit from developing back (Lat Pull downs) and shoulder press (shoulders) strengthening program early to prevent injuries around the shoulder.
Core Strength Training
EVERY young athlete in EVERY sport needs to have have core strength (this goes for adults too). Abdominal and lower back strength in ANY sport is crucial as not only does it improve performance but it also helps prevent injury around their lower back and hips.
Simple bread 'n butter exercises like the plank and crunches on a stability ball are great for starters.
So there you have it. 
Stronger child, prevention of injuries and
improved performance in their chosen sport

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Yet another fad weight loss program!

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The fact is, Americans eat more than 500 calories a day more on average than we did a generation ago — which translates to a pound of extra fat per week!
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© 2012 Rodale Inc., all rights reserved

 I don't know where they got my name from but I have just been emailed this...I don't think they know me very well?! 

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Quick Holiday/Home Workout

Probably 'the' best bikini pic I will ever have..I got there in the end :)

What a lovely relaxing holiday I had. I really really needed the break as it had been a long year with my big 'change' and all of that! 

Before I went away I was sooo tired, mentally and physically so I decided that I was going to do no training for the first week, just give myself a rest from it, but by day 2.....I missed it!  I had brought a resistance band to use for work-outs and I wrote myself an all over body work-out programme incorporating all muscle groups.  It took 40 mins from start to finish including my 10 minute running up and down the outdoor apartment steps (17 in all) for my warm up (sweat up more like). 

Derms said he wanted to get involved and I thought it might be a bit awkward with the two of us trying to do this work-out with one band etc so I remembered a 'Home Workout' I had seen so I dug that out.

It was perfect for us....D was very impressed with it. Every second evening at 6pm we went for a small 10 min warm up jog, came back to a nice shaded area of the pool, armed with a towel, watch, bottle of water and this workout.  We did 3 sets, high intensity and the whole workout, including jog only took half an hour.

I would recommend this for a holiday workout (just to help keep you in shape until you get home) or as it's headed, a little something to do at home.  Use the stairs for your 10 minute warm up.  The trick with this is quick transitions between exercises with only a 30 sec rest between your 3 or 5 sets.  You have to keep the heart-rate up for results.

Each of us only put on 2lbs on the holiday, eventhough we ate and drank our fill (fresh french stick, couple of desserts and I'm surprised my teeth aren't stained purple from the red wine) but we ate our porridge/seeds every morning, I drank my green tea (there's no way D would touch it) and I also drank 3 litres of water every day.  All of this, along with our little work-out stood to us.

It's certainly a work-out I'm going to keep to hand and use on my have been warned! 

Let me know if you try it and if you you got on?

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

'Strong' Is the new 'Skinny' for Women

Yes, I've written before about the benefits of weight training for may as well say that I swear by it :) From how it can help prevent Osteoporosis, help burn body fat whilst also adding symmetry and balance to your body. My entire body shape has changed due to resistance training (and a careful but not strict, eating plan). I met a girl at the gym on Monday morning, who hadn't seen me in about 10 months and she said..."Pam, what have you look've transformed yourself"...made me smile and proud of my achievements :))

When you mention resistance/weight training to a lot of ladies, they get an image of the top left picture, when in fact that's not the case at all.  Only last week, when I sat in on a first time assessment at the gym did the girl say to us..."I don't want to end up looking like Jodie Marsh"! I chuckled and informed her that Jodie is a 'Body Builder', size 6, has virtually no body fat due to gruelling workouts of 3 hours cardio and 1 hour of weights daily, endless hours of posing and flexing, no alcohol, eating lots of protein and good clean carbs, protein shakes all held together with commitment, dedication and determination. Eh... not for me either.  However, at the end of the assessment she turned to me & said..."I want arms like yours"...I did that you can aim for.

This type of training will have you looking stronger, leaner and fitter.

Also, when you weight train, you release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness and well being and you will also have an increased energy level.  Weight training is the fountain of exists in the gym (or a PT session with me *smile*) in the form of barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells!  It has been proven that exercise helps to keep the fast twitch fibres (strength fibres) active, which start to deteriorate as people get older.  Good examples are Jane Fonda, Madonna and to a more 'down to earth', 'normal' extent me...I don't think I look and certainly don't feel my 44 years...we have our 'fountain of youth' fix every week :) If all of that is not a good enough reason to weight train...I really don't know what is? Hey, an hour on the treadmill reading a book you could burn 300-400 cals, tops.  Have a cappuccino and a bikkie afterwards and it's all wiped out in a frothy moment.  One hours weight training will burn calories for the next 2 to 3 DAYS, while your body repairs to get you ready for the next weight workout.

Lifting weights will give you a sculptured, toned, healthy and youthful-looking body...sooooo get pumping ladies :)

If any of you readers, ladies or gents, are interested in training with me where I can assure you of good advice, motivation, monitoring along with a damn good workout to help you achieve YOUR goal...(as one of my PT client's describes me "nice but firm")
please message or email me on

Just did it ;)

Friday, 13 July 2012

It's a start :)

..I got a laugh when I first read this t-shirt & just had to buy it!

Thursday, 12 July 2012


Quite a few people have asked me lately about what foods I eat or to eat for general well being.  I'm not a qualified Nutritionist however I did study Nutrition in college
so can offer advice.


These little fellas are nature's most concentrated source of nutrients and they really are invaluable to your health.  I would highly recommend eating a variety of seeds daily. 2 tablespoons sprinkled on porridge, in yogurt or over salads etc.

The are high in Fibre and Omega 3
Fibre helps to pass digestible and indigestible food through the digestive system and the insoluble fibres 'scrub out' the system as it passes through the body before we...
well ye know yourself.

Omega 3 is needed for blood clotting, the immune system, lower your risk of heart attack, protects the nervous system and cell membranes in the brain.  I'm also trying their Omega 3 capsules at a fraction of the cost of some other brands.

I was spending a small fortune on a certain brand of milled seeds until I popped into Aldi last week and came across their range.  It must be fairly new to the stores as I never noticed them before (see pic).

...plugging Aldi products!

There are selection of 4 foil packs to choose from:
Milled Linseed, Gojiberries, Sunflower & Pumpkinseeds
Linseed Crunch with Cranberry & Almond
Milled Linseed with Sesame, Blueberries & Raspberries
Golden  Linseed Crunch With clusters of Linseed, sunflower/pumpkin seeds & honey
They are all ONLY €2.79 each..yes...€2.79 :)
I was paying €6.00 or €7.00 per pack for the other brand!

They also stock a small selection of natural nuts ie walnut halves, almonds etc which are much more reasonable than other brands and a selection of Fruit Mixes and dried fruits that are ideal for snacking or for topping off your morning porridge (that's what I do).

I eat 10 almonds every day as they are the most nutritious of all the nuts, I'm sure I've written about these super guys in a previous Post but the list is endless.  I also have 3 Brazil nuts a day. Brazil nuts are particularly healthy due to their high selenium content, which makes their protein content "complete". This means that, unlike the proteins in most plant products,
Brazil nuts' proteins contain all the necessary amino acids .

Finally, if you're a Green Tea drinker, they also stock a selection of Green Teas infused with either Earl Grey, Jasmine or plain for €1.79
I was paying €4.99 for another range!
I've also written about the benefits of drinking Green Tea in a previous Post. 
3 mugs a day.. if you can stomach it?  It is an acquired taste :)

Their Effervescent Vit C (which is, like the green tea, is a source of antioxidants which contribute to your body's defences) is also being given a shot as I don't always eat as much fruit as I should....

All of the above washed with 3 litres of water a day and
'Bob's your uncle'!

I would love to hear any other suggestions or comments...
makes me feel like I'm not talking to myself.... 

Is there anybody out there?!
(starting lyrics to my favourite song...)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

I'll be back...

..Just Did It..

Hi Honey...I'm hooooome!  Did you miss me?...don't answer that :)

I've been off the scene for a while.  The last you heard of me I was studying for my exams..Jaysus I became a recluse and a nerd...two things that aren't usually associated with my name :) Oh and as you can a bit of training in too..!  Btw I don't look like this all the time..only when I flex. I needed to do 'strength training' to achieve my goals of real 'Push-ups' and 'Chin-Ups' :)

Well we started our exams on 'D Day' June 6th with Anatomy, Myology & Physiology...100 questions and needing to get a minimum of 60 correct. The following Monday we had Sports Nutrition and Exercise Principles...yep another 100 questions with a need for at least 60 correct.  I'm feeling quietly confident!

On the Wednesday, I was part of Group 1, along with 5 of my other buddies for 'Exercise to Music' Practical.  2.5 hours of the same music, the same feckin' faces (however pretty), similar monotonous routines, sweat and nerves teaching our fellow students and their 'guest' to a full 'Exercise to Music' workout *groan*.  It wasn't easy....especially as some of the 'guests' had two left feet, no coordination, no rhythm, no stamina or in some cases all 4!  This took a lot of observance and correction.  However, I got stuck in, put my 'all' into it...made a few silly mistakes, but I felt it went well and I got very good feedback :)

My final exam was my 'Resistance Training' Practical. I had to introduce my client 'Dermot J Keyes' to the gym and all of it's equipment for a full body workout.  Doesn't really help when half way through, he jokingly tells the Examiner that I sound like his mother calling him 'Dermot' (I always call him Derms) and ordering him around..thankfully Noeleen has a sense of humour!  I felt the exam went well, but I could have done without smackng my head off the barbell during my 'client's' lunge...had a lump but kept least it wasn't his noggin...FAIL!

Anyway....we have to wait 5 more weeks for results.  In the meantime, I'm attending a 10 week 'Start Your Own Business' course with Fás.  With all the different nationalities attending...I jokingly call it my UN course.  I love meeting new people and learning something new so I'm enjoying it. 

Happily I managed to secure Work Experience in my beloved home from home...Westwood, Clontarf.  I was absolutely chuffed to 'get-the-nod'.  I'm being offered 10/15 hours per week for the next month :)  I started bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday morning.  I sat in on new client assessments, new programmes for existing clients, half demonstrated half took part in a Rip60/TRX class, put back weights that the 'big boys' leave lying around grrr, chatted with people I train with, who were surprised to see me there in a different capacity and just generally soaked it all up.  As I said to a few people later that day, if you'd have told me a year ago that I'd be doing this now, I wouldn't have believed you.

The next thing on my list is to do my Sports First Aid course, along with 12 of my college buddies on July 22nd.  Our NTC exam results should be out around then too and all going well...I'll be ready to go!  I have already had enquiries which is very encouraging and I appreciate the vote of confidence. 

I love to train, I love the way it makes me feel, I love that way it makes me look and I look forward to helping others achieve their goals.

Thank you to all of you who have read my Blog over the months or sent me PM's, emails and texts with your comments/feedback and well wishes.  I look forward to your continued support and remember......

If you really want to do something...go and do it!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Hazy Finish Line...

Oh here I go, the finish line is in sight
So I'm stuck into my text books morning, noon & night
Exams are starting on the 6th of June
And when they're all over I'll be over the moon
Anatomy, Myology, Physiology, tough by admission
Exercise to Music, Weight Training and Nutrition
At this stage we all have a pain in our arse
Meeting 3 times a week & our free time is sparse
Having said that when it's all over I'll sob
And from August onwards it'll be...
.."gizza job"?

Good luck to all out there sitting exams in the next few weeks :)